Sunday, January 25, 2009

Small Town Birthdays

You know, I really do love this small town I live in. I love it for many reasons. All of which have nothing at all to do with the local bowling alley.
Let me explain.

No, really. Let me explain.

This town, while it is small, it is also beautiful. A mere 500meters down the road from my front door is a beautiful beach. The beaches I am use to go on for miles. You sit in the sand and stare out into nothingness. Just a bunch of water. Here in this town, when you look out into the water, you will see hills across the water, trees on islands as far as you can see. Its the islands I love the most. They look so close, but as my dad tells me every time we drive by the beach, he once swam to that first island. It isn't as close as it seems. He almost went down but the S.S. Tony swam his heart out and made it back before the current could sweep him under. My mom and dad grew up here. Met here, fell in love.....yada yada...

Then as I drive up the big hill that seperates my neighbourhood from the rest of town, I am overwhelmed by the view that overlooks that beach, those mountains and the islands. Its peaceful. It really is. I take a deep breath everytime I see it. It doesn't get old. Probably why I have so many pictures of it.

Anyways, sometimes its a give take. You take in the beautiful surroundings but something has to 'give'. Seems entertainment is the "give" part of the equation. Seems the local bowling alley has the market on birthdays. Now, this is ok because my child loves to bowl and loves birthday parties at the bowling alley. But after this weekend I'm going to be all bowled out! Justin had a birthday there yesterday and this afternoon. Which, he will love. And really, its all about the kids anyways but there is something I want to point out......

My father, back in the 1970s use to work at this bowling alley. I have pictures of it. I have pictures of the bowling alley from the early seventies and you know what? It hasn't changed a bit. The walls, the floors, the lanes.....its all the same. I'm sure I could dig around and find people that are still there. I'm looking forward to getting my dad in there to take a look. He'll feel like he had never left.

I just MUST take a picture of it this afternoon.
In fact, I will make a point of it when I drop Justin off for the party.
Stay tuned for a little 1970's luvvv


Anonymous said...

I didn't see the camera, only someone eating a lot of cake ;)

mdwriggs said...

I got carried away.