Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dazed and Confused

Kind of feeling battered and bruised by some of my close friends. Not one to complain or whine out loud, I'm feeling a little annoyed and insulted.
***ok, thats not true. I do complain outloud but for the sake of this blog, we'll just say I don't***

I'm just going to step back into a little space I like to call my happy place and leave things alone for a while.

Not forever. Not for long. Just for a few days perhaps. I think I need to just .... be.

Perhaps *and its a big possibility* I'm overreacting. Entirely possible. Possibly even probable.

But my feelings are still my own. And I will have them.

So I will take a few days and be alone with them.

I just needed to get that out in writing.

I feel better now.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I would have posted it

I would have posted Lukes bump on his head except by the time I was ready to sit down and take the picture he had another incident and since I hadn't written about it, it hardly seemed fair to post the other bump.
Picture left is a girl from work. her three boys. She loved the feisty-ness of her middle guy. I have to tell ya, I do too.
SO while Peat had Luke and Justin at Walmart, Luke stood up in the cart and reached for something.
Momentarily slowed by the clothing rack, Luke proceeded to tip the cart face down. I have serious doubts whether or not these children will see their next birthdays.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I have faulty wiring. I must.

Luke schmucked his face today at kiddie kollege.

I followed them into the gym and they were all running around the gym. I watch the whole thing from start to finish. Just tripped and all we heard was "SPLAT...WAAAAHHHHHH".I thought for sure he'd knocked out teeth or broke his nose.

The teacher and I looked at each other with horror in our and when she bolted towards my son, I ..... I.......I ran out the door.

Yes, you heard me. I left.

I left my crying baby to be cared for by someone other than me in his time of need. That settles it. When the chips are down and its FIGHT or FLIGHT, Make NO MISTAKE...I will FLIGHT!

Only for a second to shake my head.

Then I went back in, horror on my face and went running to him. Teacher probably wondered where the hell I went.Once I got to my sobbing baby I was relieved to see no blood or teeth dangling.

I was NOT pleased when he said "NOoooooo, mom goooooooo. I wannnnaaaaaa *sniff sniff* stay and playyyyyyyyy"

He was more pissed that he thought I was there to take him home.

So he got up and ran around more. About five minutes later a big goose egg appeared marking the spot of impact. Dead square in the fore head. I tell ya, I was scared to look at him.

Hard, tiled GYM floor...SPLAT

And a mother who runs...the other way.

What on earth will the future hold for my children.

Picture to follow tonight

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The snow isn't even gone yet

And here I am thinking about the upcoming baseball season here in the lovely town of Petawawa. Something that gives me great stress and great satisfaction.

Love ball, Love all things about ball. Can't wait for it to start.......

Except I do get a little overwhelmed.

Ok, a lot overwhelmed.

I'm already pulling my hair out just thinking about how I am going to manage my stress better this year.

Note the wrinkle lines in my for head. They weren't there last week.

The room is spinning.

Monday, February 16, 2009

What the heck is "family day" anyways!

Ok, so while I appreciate the holiday "family day". I really do. But honestly, what good is family day if the main part of your family is not home to celebrate/partake in the festivities OF "family day".

And really, if family day has been created so that "families" can be together, what are you suppose to DO on family day that you can't do on the weekend?

Let me tell you my dilemma.
First and foremost, the other parent in this family is not home. He's working. He's working because he's the one person who has to work on family day. This is an issue because I have nothing to do now. Nowhere to take my left over family to celebrate the day.

Everything is closed. Which brings me to my other point......

If everything is closed, there is nothing to do with my family on family day except either go outside *I'm too much of a wuss in the cold* or sit in the house and pick my brain until I decide or figure out just what on earth to do with my family.

So far today we've played board games, watched movies and played cars.

Its noon and I'm fresh out of fun things to do.

I could take the kids skating but honestly, I'd only end up stressed out with six skates to tie and one body to keep propped up in my arms. My back would ache for the whole week. If Luke could skate, I might consider this an option but because he can't.....its just not going to happen.

I could take them shopping but thats more for me and lets face it, its Family Day and nothing is open.

The bowling alley is open today and I could also consider this an option if it didn't cost almost $6.o0 each. So that would be almost twenty bucks and then some after buying slushies to bowl with kids who have no concept of how to play bowling except to throw the ball.

So here I sit....on Family Day. Feeling a little bitter that I have nothing to do. No prospects.
I am considering painting the boys bedrooms except I have no paint or supplies. Nothing is open so its not like I can just go buy the stuff.

I guess it is lunch time, so I can busy ourselves for the next hour.
I've put on spaghetti for dinner and I always do have that to look forward to.
I've invited my folks over for dinner but they're not feeling very "family-ish" today which is silly considering its JUST the second biggest holiday in FEBRUARY!

Come on people!
What are YOU doing on Family Day??????

I can show you what my kids are doing.....
Building forts, eating snacks and taking in a little "finding nemo" before I move them on to our next task of this adventurous day.

Just possibly later, I'm saving it in my back pocket for when they get bored, I might let them go outside and pick up poop balls in the back yard before Layla eats them all.

Yes, my dog eats her frozen poop.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

My husband is a lunatic

I can't tell you exactly what he was thinking except that perhaps he just wasn't. Is there really any other reason? Any other excuse that one *him* would decide to jump in the frigid cold water?

Let me back up a bit. Peat got the opportunity to attend a course that he has been wanting to attend for at least the past 5 years.

No, the course isn't in stupidity.

Quite the contrary.

It is a course in wilderness survival. You may ask "why on earth would he need something like that?" The answer is simple. His job. It just makes sense. And if you knew my husband, you would know that this kind of thing........

Its right up his alley. I mean, if I were lost in the depths of Algonquin Park, I would be honored to have THIS guy, coming to save me. He's got the smarts.

So their task, if they chose to accept it, was to jump into a hole that I like to call, "the hole of death". They had to jump in, get themselves out and then run over to an area *still soaking, which you will see from his sopping pants* and then light a fire.
And only then......
After they made a fire, could they get into something warmer.
I asked "why the helmet"
I guess it was in case they fell on the ice. Like THAT is the least of their concerns. How about their heart stopping upon impact with the cold water!
Anyways, I've been away from my blog lately and I am just now getting caught up. I'll be back.
Just think, this week he has to spent three days in the bush to fend for himself.......

He took the camera so this isn't the last you'll be seeing of this venture.

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things About Me

Try it sometime....its harder than it looks. I did one on my facebook but I'm going to do one here too. Some things may be the same and I'll try to come up with some new stuff......

1) My middle name is Aleisha and sometimes I wish it was my first name.

2) I'm still best friends with my best friend from grade 10 even though we live 8 hrs apart.

3) I go through my personal phone book once a month and call friends I haven't spoken to in ages.

4) Sometimes I miss my old job of installing tires. I only miss it when my car needs an oil change and tires, but counts.

5) I still remember my phone number from when I was in grade school. 519-336-3645

6) I use to *haven't tested it but probably still do* have a photographic memory

7) I'm a bingo junkie and probably go about once a week, more if I'm winning. (think of all the camera gear I COULD have!

8) My dog has been known to eat her own poop. Something that turns my stomach.....

9) When I'm in the car alone, I turn up the radio and BELT out the tunes....I think I sound awesome.

10) I'm obsessive about paying bills. I must pay it the day it comes in the mail.

11) I am a list writter. I always have ten lists going at all times and MUST complete each list in a timely fashion.

12) I buy toys for my boys even if they're not being good in the store. I don't necessarily give it to them right then and there but I can't stop buying them things.

13) My main living room couch and chair was purchased in 2001 and has holes in the underside of the cushions but I don't think we need a new set because the kids are little and the dog likes to lay on the chair.

14) I hate all vegetables cooked but like MOST vegetables RAW.

15) I can never order food straight off the menu. I always alter what I pick. This drives Peat CRAZY.

16) In a restaurant when I pick my seat, I always think quietly in my head "Where will Peat want to sit based on his back being closest to the wall".

17) I love Christmas parties. Just for the dancing. I don't dance NEAR as much as I would like to so when the chance comes up for a Christmas party or other 'local dance' type thing, I'm IN!

18) Alcoholic Beverage of choice is and will always be either: Coors Light OR Spumante Bambino.
Its Cheap and its sweet.

19) I only drink BOTH of those from the bottle.

20) I don't drink. Only if we're going out dancing. **see #17**

21) I really like my inlaws. Seriously. Even if they weren't my inlaws, I'd want to be their friend. They're fun and not fake. I don't think they read this so its not for brownie points either.

22) Both my kids were a breeze to potty train.

23) Both my cars have personalized plates and Peat hates it because its "identifying".

24) My val tag expired in October 2008 and even though we have bought the new tag, we're too lazy to put the new one on. Plus I can't find it.

25) When we're overcharged for something....anything at all, Peat makes me call. He thinks I'm more authoratative even though he's the cop.

Well, thats me in a nutshell!

Friday, February 6, 2009

New Campaign: Flash Kills

Note the look on Justins face. He hasn't seem me whip on the on board flash on my camera in a long time. Since the days of AUTO are somewhat long behind me.....the boys just aren't use to this level of flash and eye blazing 'deer in the headlights' poses.
I don't even think Justin had expected it. He seemed to walk around in a zone for a few minutes afterwards waving his arms around him like he was blinded by the light. At first I thought he was being goofy but now in hindsight I think he might have been serious.
Luke, well...nothing phases Luke.
He was just happy to have the same hair cut as his brother. He didn't care about much else. Actually I was quite pleased to get them together for a picture...flash or no flash.
Justin does his own hair. You might notice a little. He slicks it over and won't let me touch it to make it look more realistic, blended... like Lukes. Luke doesn't mind a little mothers touch while fixing his hair. He's still young enough to think I'm a princess and thats ok with me. Justin sees me as just his mother. And thats ok too because last night when I woke both of them up at 11pm before I went to was Justin who was still half asleep with his eighty pound head on my shoulder who whispered something so faintly I had to ask him to repeat himself......
I leaned in closer to his mouth and I heard him say "I love you momma".
I tried it with Luke too when I carried him to the bathroom and all he said was "hurry up I'm sleepin'.
I know he loves me :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

This is the face ~

This is the face of my 1am, 3am and 6am wake up call. Don't let it fool you. It is not a cute face at 1,3 and 6am. Not a cute face indeed.
First of all the hair is usually a nest placed messily on top of his head. This eyes are usually squinted more AND....his mouth is curled up in a scowl. His forehead still has the same concerned look, only perhaps a little more "pronounced".
But, just as the picture to the right indicates, he still looks at me with a sense of "what the heck? you owe me something".
A look I've grown accustomed to as it is Lukes signature look.
We were very happy with both our boys in the potty training department. Justin was "easy peasy lemon squeezy" *this is Justins favorite saying*. When he was 2.5 yrs old we put underwear on him and said "don't pee on bob the builder". And he didn't. Done.
The only issue with Justin was that he would NOT wake up at night to go so we always had to have a pull up on him.
We expected to have difficulties with Luke. We felt that we were spoiled with Justin and since Luke is an all around more difficult child....well, we just figured we were in for some trouble.
Put underwear on Luke and said "don't pee on bob".
Lets be honest here. Luke is Luke. He didn't give a rats a$$ about Bob or if Bob got peed on. We didn't expect any success with this method. What we didn't expect was Luke to be the kind of child who holds his pee. That kid would not go for hours! No matter how much we pleaded with him.
We use to hear him wail at night time. He'd let out a quick sharp scream and after two minutes, go back to sleep. We stopped attending to him at night because it just seemed to be a bigger disruption. Looking back, I think Luke had to pee. He would wake up and scream, no one would come, and he'd pee, then go back to sleep. We're talking at the age of 1,2 and on.
Luke is dry every morning but it comes at a price. The price is MY SLEEP. I'm hoping the novelty of peeing in the night will wear off. I've limited drinks a lot and the boy will still get up three times in the night at least to go pee. Unbelievably .... he has a lot in there. Even if he has the urge to pass gas he will demand to get up and go just to relieve the gas on the toilet. Like, HONESTLY!!!!!
It wouldn't be so bad if he'd just get up and go but NOOOO, he has to scream at us to help him. And THIS... THIS is the face that greets me at 1,3 and 6am. Only its usually accompanied with a "MOMMA! Need to PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE".
I can't wait until he's a teenager and can do these things without waking me up.
There will come a time, right?
If you have any suggestions on limiting the bathroom runs, please....let me know.
I'm absolutely exhausted.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Who are these children

With the biggest brightest eyes and the sweet simple smiles! These are my children. I just wish I could photoshop their little attitudes much the same way I can photoshop their mugs!

Not that Luke doesn't have these eyes. He does. But honestly, if you know've never known my child or any child of mine to have a clean face. Not ever.
Personally, I don't believe in it. Children just aren't made for cleanliness. It looks...not right. Like if I ever see a cute child and their face is spotless, my first reaction is "poor babe". Either they aren't allowed to eat. Aren't allowed to snack in the car OR perhaps, in a worst case scenario....they just aren't allowed to be a kid without their mom hovering over them with a cloth for their face.
Would you believe that I actually *regretfully now* taught my kids to use their sleeves for kleenex or cloth in the event that one wasn't handy to them?
While I do regret this tidbit of information I've passed on, at the same time its really saved the day a time or two.
Honestly! Don't tell me you've never done it.
I have.
Maybe more proudly than I should admit to.
I live in a house of boys. What do you expect???
This one time *at band camp* I had a friend come here to visit me and she had a daughter. Cute little girl. Nice mom.
She wouldn't let me give her 3 year old daughter a popsicle until we found her a bib.
Maybe its a boy/girl thing. Perhaps if I had a daughter I would be more inclined to keep her pretty. Boys are suppose to be rough and rugged.
I will never forget the day I took Justin, as a three year old, to my aunts horse farm. It was spring, the melt was ON and the horse poop was fresh and soggy from a long winter under the snow!
We put Justin *seen above, older boy* on a little kids atv and let him drive through the field.
He was HAPPIEST when he had the manure up his back.
At first I was going to say "wait...nooooooo". But then my cousin swatted my arm and said "let that boy be a boy".
So, now I kind of live by that.
Messy faces.....I can photoshop that out
Manure up his back......he can have a bath later
Hair sticking up all over the place...... adds character.
5 yr old attitude..... the one thing I can't seem to find a fix for.....
But I'm still looking.


I just had to share this picture from the other day's sledding adventures. My dear husband and the children have created not two but THREE luge hills at my parents place. The kids pack their bodies onto the sleds, shown to the left.
Then with as much force possible, Peat gives them a push down the hill. There are banks on each side of them and at the bottom... JUST as they are about to spit off of the 'cliff' like hill into / onto the frozen lake.... they have to lean a hard left so that they follow the luge track and circle back to the bottom of the hill. Its lovely.
Quite petrifying to watch. But the giggles and grins are worth it!
Then its packing up and in the house for some hot chocolate! Red rosey cheeks and a night of sound sleep.
I'm not a fan of the wintertime but I think my children are. I hate the cold. Good thing Peat doesn't mind standing out there with them. I'll have to snap some pictures of the actual sled runs. They're funny.
Last night we had Jamie, Adam and the kids over and Gages sled reminded me of the Griswolds. Gage went down the hill on a round disk-like sled and it was classic screaming as the sled circled down the hill.
Thanks for the laughs!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A fire alarm? Today?

Why! I'm too cold to run outside. At least they said we could stay put! I can't see myself running outside in this cold. Sick. Tired. Did I mention cold?

There is nothing worse than having the fire department come in when you're covering a shift. They come in and say "we're going to have a fire drill". Its a little embarassing having to say, "Oh. Ok. What do I do"? I think they expect you to KNOW this.

Its not like in a real situation I can say, "wait wait....what is my role in all this".

I really do need to read more while I'm at work. Really delve into the SOP binder and get a clue.

I think one time someone said I'm responsible for making sure everyone is out of the building. My initial response, and the one I stand behind, was "are you kidding me? hold on to your hats and kids because I will knock over anyone who is in between ME and the EXIT". Once I realized that my boss didn't find it remotely funny, and once I realized she was completely serious, I really felt a big weight on my shoulders. I mean, what if the smoke is thick, I can't see my way down the hallway of meeting rooms, offices....

So many what if's.

I need to go read some SOP's. I need to educate myself.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Three Kids

God Love 'Em!
Happy as clams in the snow.
They're currently at Nana and Papa's going down the sled hill backwards.
Its scary. Justin just jumped the track and Luke ran into him. As I type I can see out the window the soon to be dangerous fun.