Friday, February 6, 2009

New Campaign: Flash Kills

Note the look on Justins face. He hasn't seem me whip on the on board flash on my camera in a long time. Since the days of AUTO are somewhat long behind me.....the boys just aren't use to this level of flash and eye blazing 'deer in the headlights' poses.
I don't even think Justin had expected it. He seemed to walk around in a zone for a few minutes afterwards waving his arms around him like he was blinded by the light. At first I thought he was being goofy but now in hindsight I think he might have been serious.
Luke, well...nothing phases Luke.
He was just happy to have the same hair cut as his brother. He didn't care about much else. Actually I was quite pleased to get them together for a picture...flash or no flash.
Justin does his own hair. You might notice a little. He slicks it over and won't let me touch it to make it look more realistic, blended... like Lukes. Luke doesn't mind a little mothers touch while fixing his hair. He's still young enough to think I'm a princess and thats ok with me. Justin sees me as just his mother. And thats ok too because last night when I woke both of them up at 11pm before I went to was Justin who was still half asleep with his eighty pound head on my shoulder who whispered something so faintly I had to ask him to repeat himself......
I leaned in closer to his mouth and I heard him say "I love you momma".
I tried it with Luke too when I carried him to the bathroom and all he said was "hurry up I'm sleepin'.
I know he loves me :)

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