Friday, May 29, 2009

Holy Hannah

Have I mentioned I've been sick for what feels like EONS!
Seriously. I have no idea what the heck is going on with me. Even Peat has started popping the multivitamin in front of me every morning with a glass of water so as to remind me to take it.

Seems I got sick about a month and a half ago and its just one thing after the next. Just when I think things are lookin' up...something else.

This morning its a sore throat and cold. Sheeesh! Gimmie a BREAK!

So pictures have been to a minimum lately. Two sessions per month. Its about all I can commit to with Peats work schedule and my own.

School is almost done for the kids. Then a summer of FUN.

Baseball has started and its already been a headache. Only difference is that this year, I'm not afraid to get rid of people who tick me off.

Big change from last year where I just rolled over and dealt with it. This year if you cross me, and I feel that you're screwing me over for no good reason, I can find another player.

In my attempt to remain stress free about ball I have also somehow started neglecting my executive duties :) Oh well.

I'm only human.

God, I don't even know if I have a picture to share.

Let me go look. OH OH, I think I have one of Luke.

I'll be back with it.



Ok, I put it up top. This is my neighbour/babysitter.
We had a fun session the other day :)

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