Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Have you ever heard of PCS? Its a very real thing. Its characterized by a child who exhibits symptoms such as running away, screaming, covering face to avoid WHAT you ask? To avoid the camera.

More specifically, to avoid MY Camera.

PCS Is real.

Photographers Child Syndrome is unique but certainly not rare. I happened to have been blessed with TWO of them. Lucky me. Which brings me to the point of WHY I'm posting a picture of my boys. Simply put, its because this is really the ONLY decent shot I have of the two of them together. Not running, Not hiding, Not screaming, Not protesting.

If this picture could talk, you would hear a mouthful. You would hear bribes *made by me* and demands *made by them* for one simple hug and a smile.

Its always easier to photograph other peoples children. I'm calm, relaxed, easy going and go with the flow. I tell parents not to worry if their child doesn't smile for me, is nervous at first, doesn't want much to do with me or my camera. I tell them that it is my job to get "the shot".

And I try my darndest. I really do.

Yet for some reason, while photographing my own children, I am none of these things. I'm far from calm, I'm never relaxed and easy going? PFFFFTTTTT!!!! HAHAHAHAHA...no way. Go with the flow? What the heck does that mean? Photographing my own children seems to turn into quite the circus show with bribes being throw out, a little raised voices when one decides to cooperate and the other doesn't.....and lots of sweating (by me) and tears (by me, and my children).

SO I have likely caused the damage done where PCS is concerned. I just hope that one day they will forgive me. And their wives will forgive me... and I also hope that they never do this to their children.



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