Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Day In The Life

So yesterday was Justins hockey pictures and I made the mistake of giving him Zoodles for dinner. He had a slight orange stain on / around his lips. I'm hoping I can pass it off as chapped lips.

Then after taking this picture, I realized that his recent haircut has left his bangs a little...I don't know, how would you explain it... a little straight. I much prefer wispy. I did gel it for the pics and it seemed to stay in place ;)

Awww, my little eater Lukey. No manners, no class. Just food food food any way and any how.

The messier the better. Doesn't matter who's looking. If it isn't on his hands, face and clothing, then it isn't a good meal :)

You know he's really enjoying it when he starts to close his eyes to lick the fingers. He's savoring every bite.

Atta boy!

"oh ya, Heavenly"

Enjoying his zoodles like its his last meal.

It doesn't get any better than this my friends.

Oh does. One slipped down his shirt and he isn't willing to let it go.

Still half dreamy, he will get that darn zoodle if its the last thing he does!

Oh yes, now thats a happy boy!

What kind of stay at home mom feeds her kids zoodles?

Oh Geeze, didn't realize Layla was sleeping.

Shh kids, keep it down!

Her Royal Canine is slumbering peacefully on the chair.


Oops. Sorry Layla-girl. Did we disturb you?
Great kids, look what you did NOW!

Don't move too quick Layla, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.

Oh how I wish I had the life of Layla. She practically just lazes around all stinkin' day. I wish I had someone to feed me, pamper me, let me in and out at my leisure when I scratch at the door. DO you know that JUST LAST night I was reheating up my take out from Kelseys restaurant. I was running late for some things and Peat was due home any minute from a long day at work. I was going to surprise him with my balsamic chicken and some potatoes. Well I had it all warmed up and the countdown was on. Peat walked in the front door but we had to leave right away to arrange the cars in the driveway. Just enough time for Layla to jump up on the counter and eat *in its entirety* the meal I had prepared for Peat. Chicken, potatoes and all...
We were mad. VERY mad. So mad that we didn't feed her dinner that night. Figured she'd feasted enough.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A walk down memory lane...

Sometimes *not often* I will sit down with my photo album and look at pictures of my life. I don't generally look at pictures of my childhood or even my teenage years. I often open the book my 'real' life. You know the one....the one that starts the day you walk down the aisle with Mr. Right. I open our wedding album and reminisce about the day that we said "I DO". It was a perfect day. The sun was shining, the fall colors were out in full bloom. My best friend Tasha was down from Sarnia and she even did my hair. Tell me what best friend in all the world would commit to doing your hair on your wedding day. If you ask me, it could have gone really bad or really good. It went really good.

We picked flowers to decorate the archway that my husband and I would later marry under. The ceremony was perfect. From the view of the lake to the perfectly set up white chairs facing the archway. Our first dance....amazing. Just the two of us out on the dock dancing cheek to cheek.

Anyways *sorry that was a little off topic* I love looking at photo albums. The next album I tend to open next is the one of my babies. My precious bundles of joy. Justin and Luke. I love to look at Justins pictures because he was born at 33 weeks and well, he was just SO breakable and tiny. Tiny but perfect in every darn way imaginable. Then there was the pictures of Luke. My precious baby Lukey. Perfect and pink from head to toe. I love watching them grow.

Much the same way I like to see how I've grown.

I think that's all that needs to be said right now. Get out your Kleenex my friends, I'm about to share some pictures with you. Some pictures.....of myself. Through the years. Even the years I wasn't born yet. Brace yourself.

No laughing.

No laughing out loud.

This is me in 1950. I thought that I looked great back then but now looking back I can clearly see that I had no idea how to apply basic foundation. I wish someone had told me I had make up lines.

Anyways, my hair was always perfect. It had to be. I strived for perfection. I'd say, most days, I met my mission.

I'd like you to also note the way my face shape has changed throughout the years. I guess my hair has changed as well.

Geeze, just like it was yesterday :)

Moving on......

Enter 1952. Now in 1952 I didn't NEED glasses, per se, but my friends were all trying this new fad. Everyone...just everyone had to have glasses.

I wasn't necessarily one to follow the pack but I remember trying these puppies on that year and just fell in love. Made me feel a little more confident.
As you will also note, I did eventually learn the whole application of make up. This time it would seem that I figured out how to apply it to my whole face. Someone obviously forgot to tell me that the neck is a crucial part of the puzzle.

I tried a few more highlights this year. But overall I was pretty pleased with myself. My glasses, my new skill of make up application.
I really was the total package. I'm quite certain my husband would have loved me back then. In the 1950's. Heck, I loved myself. Just look at me!
Moving on..........

The year was 1972 and I just don't really remember this year. I see myself here but have absolutely no recollection of my life at this time.
I was obviously carefree and happy. I smiled a lot. I think I was probably a little confused. I see my hair is a little more liberal. Not so conservative and stuffy.

Ooops, a little make up blunder on my chin but overall a big improvement.

I know. I know. Everyone else was doing it and honestly, at the time I thought it looked great. I see now, how silly it was. Everyone goes thru an experimental phase with their hair. this was mine.

I see my make up application was still amiss. I must have been going for au natural. Seems I did apply some to my neck. Good lord, I don't know whats more embarrassing!

It took me quite some time to tame this hair.

Lets move on shall we?

The year was 1980 and I was still recovering from my hair of the late seventies. My mom had tried to help with a relaxer but I was still suffering some ill effects. I had some pretty tops to distract. My friends still loved me. I'm sure we all had the same hair :) It was a trend.

God I loved the 80's. Honestly. Headbands, leg warmers, spandex, big hair and gobs of make up? Who didn't love the 80's.
In the 80's I let loose. Really let my hair down. I went big and blond with more hairspray than I could shake a stick at. If I went out in the wind and there was any movement...then IN the house I had to go to pile on just a little more spray.
My father calls it the rams horn. Whatever that means! He was certainly no expert on fashion and hair. WHATEVA!
My face pudged up a little. Who didn't gain some weight in the 80's. My forehead was still long but I had a way with bangs.
I can't say, looking back, that I quite mastered the art of make up. I see my neck was still light. Hmm. Why didn't anyone say anything?
Moving on........

Another humm-dinger. I think after the few years of yo yo dieting I evened out but looking back I see I was a little thin. My hair had grown, was still blond and I still carried my Rams Horn loud and proud. 1992 was the year. Oh the good ol' days. My youth.

Enter 1996. A year from graduation. I was attending St. Clair College in Windsor. Bleach was the new blond and everyone just kept telling me I just had to try it out. So I did. The one last stupid thing before going out into the real world. The fuzz of the past was long gone and my hair had seen its share of dead ends but looking back, I was a respectable woman. Still am.

Make up no longer mattered. Acid wash was a thing of the past but I liked to assert myself and I purposely wore this acid wash dress just to rebel. The long dangley earrings were my friends idea *giggle*

Oh the real world, just around the corner.

So although this isn't what I look like now *two young boys have an effect on a woman* I would like to think that I came out of the 80's and the 90's with my dignity intact.

The hair was much more natural, flowy and classy. Still blond with dark roots but I was just starting out in this world. Who'd a thunk that just one year after this picture, in 1999, I would meet my Prince Charming.

Just wait darling, when I have time, I'm SOOOO gonna year book you :)

Hope you all have enjoyed my walk down memory lane. If you haven't done it yourself, I really suggest you do. It will make you laugh and who doesn't need a good laugh.

If I could find a recent picture I'd put one up but I think its getting late and that's going to have to wait until tomorrow.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Oops. I need some serious help.

Have you ever thought to yourself, "OK OK already, so it wasn't the best idea I've ever had". Well that was me tonight.
I'll start by explaining the trauma my five year old has experienced in his short life. First his very favorite dog Ruby passed away when he was 3 years old. He had the opportunity to say goodbye and we made it OK for him to cry. We did our very best as parents to help him with what was going on and we also prided ourselves for being so upfront and honest. I know that not everyone believes the same things and that's OK. Its what makes the world go around, but I didn't hold back in explaining 'things' to my oldest when he was just 3 years old.

Fast Forward four short months and Justin, once again, had to say goodbye to another family Pet Sarge. Justin had both Ruby and Sarge since birth so he knew nothing else. Sadness was all around and again, we as parents, were quite pleased with ourselves for teaching Justin our beliefs and being as up front and honest as possible.

THEN, a Great grandfather to Justin passed away when he was 4 yrs old and because the family wanted to see Justin, my husband brought Justin with him to visit everyone. Naturally, he also attended the service. He seemed to have a firm grasp on what had happened and where Great Granddad was, now that he had passed away.

This past summer, Justin has also experienced two more dogs passing away. Both Grandparents lost their dogs in the past two months. My poor Justin is a little overwhelmed with death at this point.

Well, the other day, while trying to explain to Justin why him and his brother should get along, I made the mistake of opening my mouth. I only had the best intentions but once again, my intentions turned around to nip me in the arse. I knew once I had said it that it was all down hill and I had to work like mad to take back what I had said.

I try to get the boys to understand that they are each others best friends and that they will always have each other and in the midst of one of their 'hitting' fights I had to sit them both down to have a talk. Out of my mouth, and before I could stop myself, I heard myself say "One day mom and dad won't be here anymore and you know who you're going to turn to?" "EACH OTHER! So if I were you my friends, I'd do my best to treat each other properly!".
Its like I floated outside of my body and was looking down on myself ..... The me who was floating in the air was shaking her head in shock, thinking "oh no you didn't".

Well that was a few days ago. I though *wrongly* that the moment had passed and it was all clear. A little blip in the pages that are OUR LIVES.
I was wrong.
Tonight while Justin was going to bed I heard some little sniffling from his room. Oh yes. He had all sorts of questions about Heaven and how your soul goes there but not always your body and all of a sudden all our past conversations about the passing of our family pets and the possibility that "one day mom and dad won't be here anymore" .... and it all came back to smack me in the face. He had me babbling backwards and he knew he caught me off guard. I tried to comfort him and I even pinkie swore that mommy and daddy will never leave him and that isn't something he needs to ever worry about. It seemed to appease him but as I was leaving his room, hopeful that I had corrected what I had broken the other day, he says to me "mom?" Yes Justin?
"You and Dad can't go to Heaven because I don't know how to get to the grocery store to get food for me and Lukey".

"oh". I guess this is just the way little minds think. I hope I haven't scarred him. I'm sure I have but I certainly didn't mean to. I need to think before I speak.
Must remember this.

No picture to post today. Just my account at how I screwed my child up at the tender age of five.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Up to my eyeballs with kleenex and sick kids

First things first. I had to post one more picture of my friend Tasha's oldest son Ivan. He's so sweet. Ok, now that I've posted the picture I can move talking about snot and kleenex.
So remember last week? Sunday night I had to take Justin in to Emerg because he had croup? Well my husband had to take him on the Monday night for another dose of the medication that they give for croup. I was out of town and while I felt horrible for leaving Pete at home with a sick child, I was secretly doing a happy dance *very small happy dance* that it would likely be on its way out or gone completely by the time I got home. I was thrilled that I would possibly be missing all the sickies.
SO I was wrong. Just wrong. As wrong as I always am. Poor Justin was sent to the office yesterday afternoon. They called me to come get him. I walked into the office and saw him sitting there, long face and all. He looked like he wanted to cry. I felt a little twinge of sadness for my oldest son, knowing he would have hated being sent home from school. I was also quietly annoyed that he was sick. I mean, hadn't we had enough? What else must we deal with here? Its one thing after the bloody next in my household. I WANT OUT! Sorry. Sometimes things get away from me.
Moving on....
So, we walked out to the car in the school parking lot and Justin says that he's sorry for being sick. Poor kid, he can't help it. I get him home and he starts fighting with Luke. Let me tell you this. If you're well enough to fight with your brother, then there was no reason to come home from school. Apparently my son wasn't 'sick' per se, but he had been running around in the yard and overheated. He began a coughing spell and ended up feeling ill because he couldn't stop coughing. Once the spell had passed, all was just fine. So he continued to fight with Luke all afternoon up until bedtime when I tucked them all snug as a bug into bed. Maybe a little more 'snug' than was comfortable just because they'd been a little "off the wall" all evening :)
Shhh, I didn't say that.
... Don't look at me that way....
You've done it / thought it too at some point!
Anyways, Justin is at school today and the teacher explains to me that she didn't know if he was just coughing or if he had the flu because she'd already sent another girl home that day with the flu. *lovely I say! Things to come!*
Now i sit here staring at my youngest boy Luke. Who's hacking and coughing like there is no tomorrow. I'm going to wait it out, as I always try to do. Hopeful that there will be no weekend hospital visits although I'm sure...almost certain...that croup will strike my youngest boy.
Obviously my fingers are crossed that it wont but you just never know.
He's napping now but I hear him coughing. This is my life. My wonderful crappy sick kid life! I hate the fall.
Oh, and this furnace shut off. Ask me how happy I am. Freezing my a$$ off.
Over and Out

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Now THAT was a lot of driving!

SO, today is Thurday. My mom and I have travelled a total of approximately 17 hours in three days. I'm exhausted. My trip down to Sarnia for my dads retirement party was a GREAT surprise for my dad. His face alone when he saw my mom and I was priceless. After the party I drove out to my friend Tashas house. We spent that night catching up and then I spent the next day with her as well. I was desperate to take pictures of her boys, and so I did. We only had about twenty minutes because we left it for the very last minute. They were troopers with only minimal melt downs from one. Which coming from the mom of two boys the same age, I think went pretty well :)

On the Tuesday Tasha and I had psychic appointments. Jean Marie Graves is my psychic and I love her to bits. Not only is she accurate, she's a very pleasant woman who makes you feel warm and fuzzy when you're sitting with her. I'll go into my reading later but for now I wanted to post some pictures of my very best friends kiddos. I haven't ever met the youngest one Owen before so that was great. Above picture is Tashas legs and Ivan, her oldest son of 4.

This little chipmunk over here is Owen. I just love this little boy. Actually I think I love his spunkiness. Reminds me of Luke. Maybe because they're both little brothers.
Thanks Tash for letting me take pictures of your children. Hopefully it won't be two years before our next visit.
So, I'm home now and last night I laid down on the couch with Peat brushing my hair and within ten minutes I was out cold. Slept last night for almost 12 hours. I sure needed it. All that driving, three nights of practically no sleep! YEEESH!
Oh and on my final night in Sarnia i stayed at my aunt Jackies house. Had the pleasure of watching ELLEN with her. She's a hoot.
Ok, I think I'm ready for a coffee before I get back to life as normal again. Its always hard being away. While I was away, Justin had croup and had to have a second visit to the ER. Luke is also battling a cold, although not as bad as justins, he's still stuffy and icky. Poor peat. Such a good husband. Would you believe that when I got home he had dinner on the table and the house was spotless? I'm a lucky girl.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

This is so typical

You know, I've been planning this trip to Sarnia for a couple of weeks now. My father is retiring at the end of the month and they're having a big retirement dinner for him. His work called my mom and I to see if we'd be able to come down to surprise him. We're the big surprise. My mom moved here in May this year and my dad retires at the end of this month. We're a long way from eachother so this is going to be fun.

I said to Peat about two weeks ago. You know dear, I can predict what will happen. My children will get sick and ruin any hope of me escaping for this little trip home. He laughed his little laugh knowing full well, I was right.

FFWD to last week, Justin comes down with a fever. Slight cough, fever but otherwise himself. Justin doesn't often get fevers but they generally last two to three days then its over. And it was. The cough lingered. As it always does.
Luke, on the other hand, didn't have a single cough, cold or illness all spring or summer. Well now he's on his third cold in four weeks. They come in strong and fizzle out after about three days. He's now coughing a loose cough and is otherwise fine. He tends to get ear infections so I'm sure there is one brewing.

Justins cough was a bit worse tonight so I decided to take him in so that Peat isn't stuck bringing two kids to the doctors while I'm away. So the doc says Justin has croup. Gives him his steroid and sends us home. I'm quite certain that Luke will have this nasty cough in about two days.

Lets not forget me. How dare I escape unscathed. I have a bit of sinus pain and pressure along with a scratchy throat. Tomorrow at 5am is NOT lookin' good.
I'm beat. I'm exhausted and my five year old won't stop coughing. I still haven't packed and its almost 9pm. I'm ready to throw in the towel.

Honestly. Why does this always happen to me? Do I NOT deserve good things? Have I been a bad person? Do I not deserve a much needed rest? A nice visit with my family and friends? Good Lord, my friend isn't going to want my germy self in her house around her young kids.

This is just SO typical.

Headin' South

First, here is the other tattoo that Peat got from Ms. Lisa.

Tomorrow morning at 6am I will be on route to my hometown of Sarnia. I'm actually very excited about this little venture for two reasons. First and foremost, I'm going to be with my mom and surprising my father for his retirement dinner. Then in three weeks, my dad will come up here and live in their house on the lake, just 8 minutes from my house. Sure beats the 8 hr distance that has separated us for four years.

Secondly, I am going to visit with my BFF Tasha. Tasha and I met in grade ten history class. It was 1990 and I had big bangs and thought spandex shorts were the coolest thing since sliced bread. Either spandex OR my ever so popular MC Hammer pants. The 80s/90's were cruel.

Anyways, we became friends in Mr. Baerg's history class at St.Clair High School in Sarnia. We use to pass notes back and forth about Days Of Our Lives. Anyways, it didn't take long for us to become friends and since I was an only child, Tasha was the next best thing to a sister.

Tasha was already dating Ivan Dubois at the time and she continues to do so, 18 yrs later. Oh my, has it been 18 yrs since Grade 10? Yikes!

Anyways, Tasha and I have lived in different cities since I was 19 and we've always remained close. Our lives tend to mirror each other no matter what the distance. We both ended up having two children, both of us have boys. Both our kids are around the same age. And, I'm sure I'll find out tomorrow, when I see her, that we have the same hair cut. Because that's just usually how it ends up ;)

So tomorrow I am off to Sarnia and aside from the break from the refereeing I do here at home, I'm quite looking forward to my little venture. I'll be back on Wednesday though so it will be a quick visit.


Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Other Woman

Yes. The rumors are true. I've tried to ignore it, sweep it under the carpet but I just can not live this lie any longer.

My husband has another woman. She doesn't call here often but my husband idolizes her. She is a very pretty woman with long dark hair. She is very elegant looking and is a very talented woman. I just can't compete.

Her name is Ms. Lisa. At night, Pete sits on the couch and stares are the work that is hers. Almost 7 hours in her tattoo chair and he can't stop singing her praises.

She calls here occasionally to see how things are. Seeing if he likes the tattoo. Seeing if he feels it needs any touch up. Any excuse to get back into her tattoo chair. He's one smitten kitten.

Heck, I think I love her too.

Ms. Lisa put this work of art on my husbands arm in September. We love it. I could just stare at it for hours. She's incredibly talented. So talented that Pete just HAD to go back a month later for a second tattoo. I'll post that one another time. Her work is hands down the best I've ever seen. I can't believe another human being made this on his arm. Love it!

So, Ms.Lisa, just this once, its ok if you're the other woman. Pete is already looking forward to his next tattoo. I think it will likely happen in the next two months.

I think he's addicted.


Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm a compulsive poster today: "THESE EYES"

These eyes belong to my oldest son Justin.

They're the most beautiful shade of brown. I have brown eyes. I've always hated my brown eyes. Thought they were just 'blah'. Yet when I look into these brown eyes, I just feel so drawn in. I feel compelled to stare at him.

Would you believe that this boy, my precious little boy who is a whoppin' five years old, refuses to kiss me anymore in public? Actually he doesn't like to kiss me in private either. Today I asked him to lay some shugga on his momma and he looked at me like i had five eyes. He claimed he was too old to kiss his mom. He said that when kids kiss their moms at school, he hears other kids laughing at them so he doesn't want to be laughed at.

Why do other children get in the way of what is rightfully mine! Anyways...I will let it go for his sake and just be grateful that I have a two year old who thinks I'm the cats meow.

Justin is such an innocent little boy. He's the most gentle, kind, sweet and considerate five year old I've ever met. Sometimes I worry that he is TOO considerate or TOO kind. Maybe he needs to worry less. Maybe he needs to be a kid MORE and not be so afraid to make mistakes. Apparently we've put a lot of pressure on Justin to be the very best he can be. Don't most parents?

I was speaking with his teacher the other day *wonderful woman* and she told me that Justin is the kind of boy who doesn't like to start a task unless he's asked every question he can think of about the task at hand. He is so worried about failing or making a mistake that he over analyses things. He will not just jump right in unless he has a clear understanding of what he's suppose to do. He is petrified of failure. I don't understand where this comes from. Do we as parents put this unrealistic pressure on our children to succeed? I want my son to make mistakes, learn from them and proceed *with optimistic* I've never scolded him for mistakes, yet I see it in him even here at home. If he spills a drink, his reaction is to tense up and look at me with the same wide eyes you see above. Then he'll say "sorry sorry I'm sorry mom". Its when he has reactions like that, that I have to just stop, look at him and say "It was a mistake sweetie, here I'll help you clean it up". What causes a child to feel such anxiety? He isn't like that all the time. There are also times he'll spill something and then look at me with fury in those big brown eyes and yell "look what you made me do". He's SO Dr. Jekyll/Mr Hyde.

He's my sweet baby. I just wish he wasn't so afraid to do things wrong. I sat him down today and explained to him how fun mistakes can be. He thought I was crazy. I told him that the only real way to learn things was to make mistakes. Try things out. See what works and what doesn't. He looked like he was paying attention but then I was probably just mesmerized by his stunning brown eyes.

I think I'm failing this parenting thing.


Crazy Mother with Camera and new hair cut. And...

Newly waxed eye brows.

Ok, couldn't take one properly but here is a crappy quality picture from my laptop of my new do!

I love it. I do have to color it tonight once the kids are in bed. I'm going darker. To match my mood lately. Just kidding. Darker to match my roots and my eyebrows :)

So I went to get the hair done this afternoon and decided to get the eyebrows waxed as well. Is it just me or does anyone else love having their eyebrows waxed. I think I may border on insanity because I find the pain of eyebrow waxing to be quite relaxing.

Maybe I should just sit around and pull my eyelashes out one night when I need to relax.

I got bangs for the first time in eons. I went into the appointment thinking, YES I will get bangs! Then she said, "side bang or regular bang".? I had no idea bangs had gotten so complicated in the fifteen years I'd gone without them. I said just regular bangs and then she explained that side bangs were best for someone like me. I didnt know quite what she meant but decided that she was the expert. Side bangs it is. I guess its easier for me to just pull them over.

HEY, look at my fridge! What a freakin' mess! Going to have to clean that up. I didn't expect company :)

I had a bit of a rough morning. Shortly after posting my mom called me to tell me that she had to put her 12 yr old German Shepherd to sleep. Actually what she was saying was "Michelle, will you come with me and sit with her until its over". I didn't have the heart to tell her no. I did some quick internal thinking though that went like this "absolutely no friggen way can i sit there while a vet puts our little Emma to sleep". Instead I said "ok mom. don't cry. we'll do it together". When Luke was born in 2006 we had to put down two family pets about four months apart. I couldn't sit with them. Pete had to go. It was too hard for me. In all honesty, when I got in the car with my mom and Emma *the dog* I didnt have any intentions of staying with Emma. I just wanted to get my mom there. Emma was 12. She had been on prednisone and codeine for pain for a while. She'd developed a tumor in her mouth and began vomiting blood. She had diarrhea for over a week. There is no doubt that it was time, it just hurt.

I gave my mom some words of encouragement along the drive. All were straight from my heart. It was time to put Emmas needs first before our needs. To make matters worse, Emma had diarrhea in the car. It just made my mom cry harder. I was going to complain that she got it on my new jeans but decided against it when I saw my mom hurting. Instead I wrapped Emma in my arms while my mom cleaned up. I would have cleaned up but I have a weak stomach. Which made the rest of the thirty minute drive that much harder.

When we arrived I realized what I'd told my mom I would do. So, like a good daughter, I took Emma in. I sat with Emma in her final moments. I just couldn't talk about them with my mom but since no family or friends have my blog...HA HA...I can be candid here. My mom and dad got Emma when I had moved out so I never considered her "my family pet". But I know how much my folks loved her. And I loved her. I've never really cuddled her before. Not the way I did today. I held her in my arms and whispered in her ear while the we waited for the vet. The vet came and did his thing. Explained it to me, then asked me to let him know when I was ready. This is when I got cold feet and said, "maybe I can't do this, I may have to go". Somehow he didn't hear me. I know I said it out loud but when I realized he didn't hear me, I just went with it. Emma passed away peacefully in my arms. I stroked her face lovingly and assured her that everything was ok. I whispered to her and laid on the floor beside her for about five minutes afterwards. Emma is in a good place today.

So...pretty emotional day for me.

Ok, off to pick out some of my eyelashes. Just kidding. I wouldn't really do that.
Not today anyways.

Yo Momma

My dear sweet gentle kind five year old.

With an attitude that doesn't match. Most days. I told him not to smile or else he'd have this ear to ear cheesy smile that I can't stand! i don't mind it just kicking around but when I pull out the camera and he does it, it drives me crazy. I'll have to post a picture of it tomorrow.

My children are both going to nursery school this morning. Justin is going as "show and tell" for Luke. He's showing off his big brother.

Free morning for me!!!!

Whatever will I do with myself?

Sorry my thoughts are short for today but I promise, more to come throughout the day.

Toodles my peeps *ha, I dont have any peeps*


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bonding Time

This is Luke, my two year old and his dad Pete. Let me tell you a little something about their relationship. It started, obviously, two and a half years ago when Luke was born. Pete, being a second time dad, thought "easssy, second son....been there done that". Boy was he wrong. Not only was Luke NOTHING like our oldest son Justin, he also had a temper, a mind of his own AND a voice to assert it!

Luke was born on St.Patricks Day, 2006. His full name, just for the sake of embarrassment, is Luke Anthony Patrick Wrigglesworth *who doesn't want to smile just saying that last name*. Luke was born at 38 wks and came home from the hospital after just a day and a half. We were so excited to have him come home. He was a good baby for the first week and a half. Then it started. He started crying. I mean screaming non stop. None of us could stand him. I remember one day Justin was coming in from outside with our teenage neighbour and all I could hear was him at the door saying, "Come see my new baby brother. He cries all the time but thats ok, its not our fault". So this was Luke. We weren't thrilled. Our euphoria quickly dissipated.

Around 8 wks, Luke suddenly stopped crying. Its probably best that he did because no one really knew what to do with him anymore. Then for a short period of time we felt that Luke was such a good happy baby boy. His only issue was that he was an early riser. Pretty nice kid if you ask me. Then at 9 months old he started this whiney, screaming, grumpy, clingy act. Only it didn't end. I remember praying that it was just a phase. I remember going to the doctor insisting that something was wrong with him. Turns out NOTHING was wrong with him. Turns out, it was just his personality. And he never let us forget it. Luke is still "Luke" in every sense of the word.

Because I'm a stay at home mom, Luke is very opinionated in his desire to have me care for him. If I'm not home, he lets the world know how NOT pleased he is. Recently, I've been working out of the house a little bit and Pete has mentioned to me that when I'm not home, Luke is really coming around with him. Its about bloody time. My husband works shift work and spends a lot of time at home, so its not like he doesn't know who he is!

I was more than happy to catch this special moment between father and son.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Had the pleasure

Had some friends out to my parents place for Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday afternoon. They're actually coworkers of my husband but I really like them both. They have a little girl just a few months older than Luke. We ended up going for a walk after dinner so that the three kids could run around at the park.

I toted my camera with me in the hopes of snapping a few pictures of their little girl and my boys. As usual, my boys ran from the camera. We did manage to snap a few of their daughter. There were only about three poses so there weren't a tonne of pics but let me tell you, I managed some really good pics. YAY ME!

Here are a few I'd like to share my my husband and his coworker/friend. Losers.. lol

Kidding. Well, sorta.

The conversation went like this:

Them: Lets swing really high and see who can jump the farthest

Me: Oh, wait....let me get it on camera

Them: Ok!!! 1....2.....3....WAIT WAIT...we're not synchronized!

me: Ok guys....its not the swinging olympics. Just jump so that I can snap a picture!

them: Well, it has to be perfect

me: um...ohh..k????

THEM: 1.2.3.JUMP

me: Oh yes. Now thats classic. This MUST be shared! To anyone who will look! Now will you please give the crying children a chance on the swings???

....and they lived happily ever after.......

We had a really nice time. Hopefully we can spend more time with this family. They're very sweet. Their daughter is a cutie too and Luke seemed to like her ;)

Enjoy the warm weather my friends, the snow shall fly soon enough.
The End


Sunday, October 12, 2008

I couldn't wait. Wanted to post a few

Couldn't stop looking at these maple leaves. Loved the multi colors.

At first I had to take this picture because it looked like the man was walking on water. Not sure what he was contimplating but he didn't jump so all was well.

Awww, Krista taking pictures. Tried to take her to nice look outs.

Oops, caught Krista sneaking a peak at me while taking my first picture of the maple leaf.

Thanks for visiting with me Krista. Miss you.

The Sun is shining today

And I'm feeling like my mood just may match it. My friend Krista, who is a fellow Police Wife, was in the area yesterday and came over with her sweet little girl and her husband. It was the second time I've met Krista face to face and the first time I had the pleasure to meet her husband and daughter. I knew Peat would be shy but he surprised me. He had a nice time chatting with Rob while Krista and I snuck off for a picture drive :) Cameras loaded into the car seats, like we went for a quick drive around Petawawa.

Krista, so glad I could fill you in on what that little "wheely thing" does. :) I think that was probably the funniest thing I'd heard all week. Thanks for the laugh. Needed that.

I plan to upload some pictures today at some point so I will post some of our scenic pics later.

This afternoon holds a nice Thanksgiving Dinner at my parents place. A co-worker of Peats from a near by town is coming over with his wife and daughter and they will be joining us for dinner.

As for Justin. My fear, if you haven't already added up the pieces, is that Justin may have tourettes. Perhaps its a little early for me to say. Many children develop tics throughout their childhood and for the most part its faily common. But when its your own child, you ache for the possibility of what his life will become. I had such a sadness wash over me this weekend at the thought of his life being one of anguish and teasing from others. People staring at him and then I wonder what it is I did wrong. I can't go there right now because I just can't. But I have to keep positive today. Peat is working for a few hours and right now i'm all they've got :)

Happy Thanksgiving.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sorry about that

This big beautiful ball of fur is none other than my aunts dog "SIRUS". She asked me to take some pics of him before she clipped him. He's a big furry ape.

So today is a new day and I'm still feeling a little numb but at the same time I am trying to figure out a way to process all of whats been going on. I'm trying to get over my own 'things' so that I can help the situation.

That being said, I considered deleting my post yesterday but ultimately decided not to because I think I need to read it. I need to read it when I'm looking for a reality check. SO, that, as well as the fact that no one probably reads my blog, I've decided to leave it there.

I'm human and I have human feelings. I am completely normal *most days*

We woke up this morning and went to hockey. The boys both slept until almost eight so it was a rush around the clock to get to the arena on time. I'm glad we went because Justin had a great game and my parents showed up to watch.

A good friend of mine is coming here today from Thunder Bay and I'm hoping we're going to get out to take some pics. I have some places I want to take her so tomorrow I should have something exciting to post. Or so I hope.

With that said, again....I'm so sorry for my melt down yesterday.


Friday, October 10, 2008

My darker moments

Thursday, October 9, 2008


This picture always makes me laugh. I don't even know why. It just does. Sometimes I need a little 'pick me up' in the day and all I have to do is look at a little set of pics I took sometime about a year ago *maybe sooner* and it brings a little smile to my face.

I'm not so sure I have a lot to talk about today. I'm struggling with a little something that is bothering me and its one of those things that just doesn't have a solution. Which means, my only choice in the matter is to learn to deal with it.

So I sit here...wondering, just how to deal with it.

Yup, still wondering.

The weather outside today is quite nice. Turns out Justin didnt' quite need the Columbia Winter Jacket and winter hat I stuck on him this morning. Then as the bus pulled up and I realized he'd sweat to death in just the bus ride to the school, I pulled his hat off him. Leaving him standing there with all his hair sticking up in the air. I felt like I had just set him up for a day of teasing from other children. Kids can be so mean.

I feel bad because he spends so much time after his teeth are brushed, just trying to get his hair in place so it isn't sticking up. Just wait until he gets to school and looks in the mirror. He'll be horrified.

I think its time for me to book his hair appointment. I was trying to grow it out a bit, you know..fulfill my desire to have a daughter. I only wanted one so I could dress her pretty and do her long flowing hair every day for school. Ribbons, bows...pretty headbands. Instead I have cowlicks, a buzzed hair cut thats grown out for too long and dirty faces. Always a dirty face.

I guess I have a lot to be thankful for.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Boys will be boys, er whatever that means.

Will the 'girl' thing ever end? This is my son Luke. This is Luke's 13 year old babysitter "Sammi". Her name is actually SAM, and I've never heard anyone call her Sammi, except Luke. This morning, Luke informed me that he is going to marry Sammi. First and foremost, Luke doesn't know what "marry" means. This is good. has left me, once again, wondering where he picks up this kind of talk? Whatever the way, its certainly cute coming from a two year old.

Sam lives next door to us and Luke will sit in the living room window and wait for her to come off the school bus. Its the same routine every day. Once a bus goes by the window, Luke climbs up and takes up residence, until her bus comes. Once she gets off the bus, Luke yells and waves: "Sammi, Sammi...HI SAMMI!!! PUM OWER HERE PWEEEASE". Sam, looks up and waves and blows Luke a kiss. Luke smiles, from ear to ear, then gets down off his pearch and turns to me. Then he says, "Sammi, pum ower, mommy, you leave". He is actually encouraging me to go out just so she can babysit!

Anyways, this is the two of them. So happy, so in love...................

Just wait until she gets herself a boyfriend. Then his little heart will be bwoken :(

Awww, and I just had to share this other boy moment. This, Justin. My five year old. See, the reason I love this picture is because he's NOT waving. I can't get him to stop. Its like an illness. When he's on the ice, he always has one eye on me and as soon as he see's he's caught my eye, he waves. My friends don't help either. They wave at him just because they know he'll wave back, and likely be in trouble with the coach, and I'll be mad. Then it took the words of a wise woman *another spectator* to remind me that one day, not so far from now....I'll be wishing he was watching his ol' mom. Just hoping for a glimpse of him looking up at me in the stands. She told me to enjoy it now for one day, I will realize how special it is.
Aww, shucks. He loves me :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Best Friends? Or More?

Good Monday Morning friends. Today I have a semi empty house. My husband has snack parent duty at my youngest Lukes nursery school. Which leaves Justin at home with me. Justin is quite content not having to rush around this morning to catch the school bus.
This photo is one of my son Justin and his friend Abby. Abby's mother Nikki is one of my good friends. SO, Justin and Abby have been "hanging around" eachother for approximately two years. He's five, she's four. They started nursery school together two years ago *the same one Luke now attends*. Their relationship is very hot and cold. They really do remind me of an old married couple. They get on great, are best friends. Play very nice together. Then, almost out of nowhere, they begin to .... I don't shall I say it...... BICKER. Just little nit picky things. Ends up blowing up into a full blown arguement and then they both uninvite the other one to their birthday party. ***always the punishment of choice by these four and five year olds***. If someone irritates someone, they're "Not coming to my birthday party". Ok...sure son. If you say so. But your bday isn't for another six months.
Anyways, Abby and Justin didn't see much of eachother over the summer because I was working quite a bit and Nikki was also working. Nikki uses a sitter that my other son Luke attends as well so tomorrow I'll have to write about the love affair between my two year old and her two year old. It truly is a geniune love.
When we went to Huglis the other day, Nikki came too with the girls. SO Justin and Abby were again, brought together. ***Oh yes, they're also in the same class at school now too. Justin is in Senior Kindergarten and Abby is in Junior Kindergarten. Its a split class. Sorta like destiny......
Well Abby sits beside me the other day and informs me that the other day when we had a bbq at our house, she took Justin beside the shed and hugged him. Just outta no where. At first I thought...."Oh. Ok. Sure. Why?. You're too young. I'm not ready yet. He's still my innocent baby...." My thoughts spiraled. After a few minutes of asking her some questions...she tell me that they hugged and then she said that she kissed him but he turned his cheek (atta boy).
Do five year olds really do this? Actually, Abs is only four and I know it would have been her idea. I'm not ready for the 'girl and kissing' thing yet. Its too soon. I didnt even like boys at that age. Ewwww.
I'm not going to handle adolescence very well, am I?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mans Best Friend

Ok, no where near a man at all but certainly best friends. Let me introduce you to our family pet Layla. Layla is a Bernese Mountain Dog who is almost exactly the same age as my youngest. Layla was born in January 2006 and we got her when Luke was just 5 wks old. We were crazy but it all turned out for the best.
You see, we had two dogs named Ruby and Sarge. Ruby was an Old English Mastiff and Sarge was a Lab/Rottie mix. We had the two dogs since before we even had kids. They were our babies, thats for sure. Well, we had Justin in 2003 and he loved the two dogs. To him they must have seemed so BIG. Then when I got pregnant with Luke, Ruby had to be put down for medical reasons. Four months later, and when Luke was only 2 weeks old, Sarge followed. I guess he just missed his big sis'.
We decided to wait on getting a new dog just because we had a newborn. That lasted a very short short time. We began researching breeds and fell head over heels for the Bernese. And there ya have er. This is Layla. Our loyal, loving family pet who is currently in her shedding season.
I'd like to think she loves the kids. But really, there is only so many hiding spots IN a house so I'm sure she is just 'around' a lot because there is no escaping them. Every morning when the kids get up, its a race to see who gets to put her outside and who gets to feed her. She often is fed a lot more than she's suppose to be fed.
I have a little boy here on his knees, half naked, asking for some help getting dressed.

My question is, how do you blogging moms, make time for this? I'm doin' my best.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Does anyone else smell bacon?

So, since I'm solo today, I have more time to post.
Anyways, made the best of the morning. Took the kids to Hugli's Blueberry farm. Got robbed at the entry gate and then proceeded inside. Once there, the puppet show was going on. Brought the kids inside, sat down. Kept Luke in his stroller *was for the best*. Then a woman with a toddler sat directly in front of him. Let me explain the set up. An area about the size of a rec room, with white chairs lined up in three rows. NO ONE in the front row, NO ONE in the second row, a few people *us* in the back row. I was in the back b/c I had the stroller. And it wasn't really all that busy. SOOO, after deciding to be the better person, I huffed, then moved Luke to a spot a few down. Myself, my mom and the boys all shifted.

Then, not five seconds later, and once we were all sitting enjoying the puppet show, another lady *this time a grandmother I think* with her toddler grandchild sat WHERE??? Directly in front of Luke. Now honestly here. Sit in front of me. Sit in front of my mother. But what is it that makes people SIT IN FRONT OF A TWO YEAR OLD WHO'S IN A STROLLER? I wanted to slap her. Thinking back now, I probably should have. She was oblivious. Should have smacked her just for being oblivious. But I held back.

We left, because then Luke kept trying to stand up in his stroller, then there was no easy way for me to move him/us around so we just left. They enjoyed the slide, the pig races then the pumpkin patch. Good way to kill the morning ;)

The picture, posted above is my five year old Justin. They selected him for the pig race. The nice farmer man asked for four children between the ages of 3 and 5. You will notice he's in second place. I just wanted to note that the boy in first place, was six. Come on parents!!! Farmer Jack said between 3 and 5!!!! Justin was disappointed. I swear I could read his mind during the race. He was wondering what would happen if he tripped the little lying six year old. Even the MC said "how old are you Johnny" and little Johnny said "I'm six". The MC looked a little irritated too but what are you going to do when there are only four kids willing to wear pigs noses.

These *to the left***obviously* are the pigs of "THE PIG RACE". Too cute :) Who can resist a cute little cuddly pig. Poor little suckers, running around a pen all day for other peoples amusement. Honestly, I could have gotten all of my laughs just watching the kids with the noses. Good thing its cold and flu season. No better way to spread some germs.
Yes, I'm a germaphobe. I hate them. If I had thought it out a little more, Justin would not have participated in this little game because now I'm quite certain he will be sick within a week.
Alright. I guess I've whined and whimpered long enough. I think its time I go and do something enjoyable. My mom has Justin, Luke is napping.
OH OH OH, one more thing I thought was hilarious about my "oh so wonderful birthday". AF decided to join me while at Hugli's ...... caught me totally off guard. Therefore...not prepared :)
Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday TOO me. Happy BIRTHDAY DEAR MICHELLLLLLE, Happy Friggen Birthday TO ME!

Happy Birthday To Me

Yes, today is my 34th birthday. I usually pretend that I don't like my birthday and in all honesty, I don't particularily enjoy aging. However, I do like having my very own special day. Generally my husband will spoil me with a hairbrush and encourage me to do anything it is I'd like to do without having the kids hanging off me. Well, this year it seems my husband is working. So here I sit, at home with a five year old and a two year old on a weekend, where there is nothing to do but go to Walmart *and I'm not crazy enough to do it this morning*
Now, my mom has graciously offered to make dinner and she even made a birthday cake for me so I assumed we'd have a nice dinner after hubby got home from work. THEN, he informs me that he's working out of town today on a detail and probably won't be home until the kids are in bed.
Now I'm not a very happy camper.

I hate being home on weekends alone with the kids. There's nothing to do in this town of 15,000 people. There isn't even a place to GO shopping unless I drive almost half hour. I dont know about anyone else but my children can't keep their stinkin' mitts off eachother in the car. I had a minivan up until May this year. I decided it would be SO much better to trade the van in on a newer gas saving car :) WRONG! Well, it wasn't ALL wrong. I just didn't anticipate a few things. Like the fact that the smaller the car, the more accessible my children would become to eachother. We had a 99 van and a 01 Grand cherokee. Well in the Jeep they're far enough away from eachother that they're not constantly bugging, however...they can still lean and reach *which they do*. But the VAN, my goodness, I would just put one in the middle then one at the back. Problem solved.
We.., now will my new car *Mazda 3*, they're practically on top of eachother. SO today, if I do go anywhere, they'll be on my last nerve before I even buckle them up.
Such a joy.

You may be thinking I don't particularily enjoy motherhood. But that would be wrong. All the things I complain about are the things I would not be able to live without.
I just wish I could spend this one day with children who weren't whining. My two year old is going through a phase.

Alright, off I go to start my special day.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Serenity now!!!!!

Don't you ever just feel like screaming that? I do. Just about every single morning of my life. WHY is it SO difficult to get two boys to get along without fighting? I it so much to ask?
Perhaps its my inexperience with siblings. I'm an only child. ***something my husband curses my parents for*** I want a little peace and quiet in the morning. I don't know what it is that happens to brothers when they're together. Individually they're sweet, loving and caring boys. They have a little shimmer in their eye when its just mommy and one of them. Put them together and its like a recipe for disaster. I hope this isn't any indication of what they will get on like as adult. If they make it that long.

Probably why mornings are my least favorite time of the day. Its like I start counting the hours until bedtime as soon as breakfast is over. I'd start counting sooner but I'm usually still walking around in my morning haze.

Today my youngest, Luke who is 2.5, is going to nursery school. Justin, my five year old, is on an off day from Kindergarten. This is how it works. I generally only have one with me at a time on week days :) Lukes program is only half day though but thats ok because naptime follows lunch :) Seeeee???? Whats wrong with me lately.

Anywho. Off I go to seperate my two boys. I hear some rumblings in the bedroom and Justin just went to his first Tae Kwon Do lesson on Monday so it probably isn't pretty.

Over and Out

PS: 11 hrs 30 mins

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ok, so I like bridges

So while in Algonquin with my husband, we came across a bridge. Seems I'm drawn to them. No idea how to photograph them, but I'm desperate to take pictures of them. As we were walking/driving/hiking *haaa, I don't hike* thru the park we came across a bridge. It had been long enough so i was quite pleased that we'd spotted this bridge. Well, as we were walking towards it, I notice a man standing at the end of the bridge with a big honkin' camera on a tripod. Ok, not to be outdone, but it made me feel a little small. Like perhaps I had no business being there at that precise moment with my little camera and self. I felt very inferior. Then I realized that he didn't know me. I could have been the great amazing photographer Michelle. *** Obviously not but really...a lot of big honkin' equipment sure makes you look important*** I think next time I may consider bringing my tripod to make me look a wee bit more professional. Anyways, this was going somewhere.....
Oh yes, so as I walked towards the bridge and saw this man there, I became increasingly annoyed. Just ask my husband. He had to remind me that everyone had things to photograph in Algonquin Park. So as we approached for some reason he *ever so kindly* dismantled his assembly and vacated the area **I was thrilled**. Anyways, I came to realize that the man was actually watching for a particular bird. I realized this because as the man was walking away from us back to the parking lot, a bird (two as a matter of fact) came out of a tree and landed on the bridge practically in front of me. My husband said "look at that...get a picture". Well I had my 75-300mm lens on the camera at the time and well, it was approx 10 ft in front of me. So the darn camera wouldn't focus, I couldn't switch lenses fast enough.....Then it flew away. Then it came back. It was completely teasing me. I swear it swooped at me. He probably had fun with me for a good ten minutes before flying away towards to parking lot. Would you believe I didn't get one good picture? They were all blurry. SO, after this little cat/mouse game we headed back to the car. "THE MAN" with the big ol' bird lenses was now set up behind my car and he was taking a picture of 'THE' bird that had just had his way with me. I swore a little under my breath.
Anyways, we packed up the car and left the area. SOOO, this is a picture of the most frustrating bridge in Algonquin Park. I just wanted to capture it for the world to see.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The One Good Thing about Winter

The one good thing about winter here in the Valley, is that it comes after a magnificent autumn. This is the view from all around. On my anniversary my husband took me to Algonquin Park. It has long been my dream to go there just for the purpose of taking pictures. No destination in mind. Usually we're just passing through and take no time at all to take in what surrounds us. So Pete took me there on Monday and we just spent the day hopping from sight to sight. The colors were in full bloom with reds and oranges so vibrant they hurt my eyes! The yellows, greens, oranges and reds......magnificent! SO, took a few pictures with my camera. Just a few ... LOL. Actually, the very next day we went to Ottawa and I upgraded my camera to the Canon 40D. Then I wanted to go back all over again to do the same thing with my new camera. There's always next year.
So we had a wonderful time and took in all we could in that short day and now its a thing of the past. In a few weeks I will once again travel through Algonquin and I'm almost CERTAIN I will see at least two MOOSE. I will have to bring my camera with me. The ONE photo I just HAD to get on Monday was a moose wading in the water. I've never been thru Algonquin and NOT seen a moose except for on Monday. The day it mattered. I was so mad.
Anyways, just wanted to share a picture of my Monday. It was a nice monday. A very very nice Monday.