Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Had the pleasure

Had some friends out to my parents place for Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday afternoon. They're actually coworkers of my husband but I really like them both. They have a little girl just a few months older than Luke. We ended up going for a walk after dinner so that the three kids could run around at the park.

I toted my camera with me in the hopes of snapping a few pictures of their little girl and my boys. As usual, my boys ran from the camera. We did manage to snap a few of their daughter. There were only about three poses so there weren't a tonne of pics but let me tell you, I managed some really good pics. YAY ME!

Here are a few I'd like to share my my husband and his coworker/friend. Losers.. lol

Kidding. Well, sorta.

The conversation went like this:

Them: Lets swing really high and see who can jump the farthest

Me: Oh, wait....let me get it on camera

Them: Ok!!! 1....2.....3....WAIT WAIT...we're not synchronized!

me: Ok guys....its not the swinging olympics. Just jump so that I can snap a picture!

them: Well, it has to be perfect

me: um...ohh..k????

THEM: 1.2.3.JUMP

me: Oh yes. Now thats classic. This MUST be shared! To anyone who will look! Now will you please give the crying children a chance on the swings???

....and they lived happily ever after.......

We had a really nice time. Hopefully we can spend more time with this family. They're very sweet. Their daughter is a cutie too and Luke seemed to like her ;)

Enjoy the warm weather my friends, the snow shall fly soon enough.
The End


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