Thursday, November 20, 2008

I've always said...

Since Luke was born, I remember thinking "wow, he's a deep thinker". Then, as he got a little older in months, I thought, "wow, he's an old soul". Old Soul seemed fitting because he always seemed wise beyond his years. Seemed a little grumpy, a little ticked off and just overly dissatisfied with whatever was going on.
He just seemed so.....elderly.
Now that he's two and a half I realize that "grumpy, ticked off, deep thinker and dissatisfied" are all just accurate words to describe Luke who is my youngest boy.
But by God I love him. For all the reasons he drives me crazy, I can count twice as more as to why I love Luke. I remember people use to say, "You love your children differently but just as much". I always thought that was horsepoop. There was no way I'd love my kids differently. I loved them the same.
Then around the time Luke was 9 months old, I got it. Like a big beacon came and smacked me in the for head. I did love them differently because as individuals they were as different as night and day. I had to love them differently because together, they were SO opposite each other. The things I ADORE about Justin, I don't adore about Luke. He either lacks those qualities or he just shows them differently. And vice verse, the feisty, strong willed, independent and opinionated Luke has to be loved for those qualities while in Justin those traits just aren't as prevalent. They may be there, just in a different way.
I always say that Luke is lucky that he ended up with NON SPANKING parents because had he been born to parents who spank, he'd have his arse whooped a few times by now.
NOTE: there is nothing wrong with spanking, we just don't use it to discipline our kids ;)

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