Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Who are these children

With the biggest brightest eyes and the sweet simple smiles! These are my children. I just wish I could photoshop their little attitudes much the same way I can photoshop their mugs!

Not that Luke doesn't have these eyes. He does. But honestly, if you know've never known my child or any child of mine to have a clean face. Not ever.
Personally, I don't believe in it. Children just aren't made for cleanliness. It looks...not right. Like if I ever see a cute child and their face is spotless, my first reaction is "poor babe". Either they aren't allowed to eat. Aren't allowed to snack in the car OR perhaps, in a worst case scenario....they just aren't allowed to be a kid without their mom hovering over them with a cloth for their face.
Would you believe that I actually *regretfully now* taught my kids to use their sleeves for kleenex or cloth in the event that one wasn't handy to them?
While I do regret this tidbit of information I've passed on, at the same time its really saved the day a time or two.
Honestly! Don't tell me you've never done it.
I have.
Maybe more proudly than I should admit to.
I live in a house of boys. What do you expect???
This one time *at band camp* I had a friend come here to visit me and she had a daughter. Cute little girl. Nice mom.
She wouldn't let me give her 3 year old daughter a popsicle until we found her a bib.
Maybe its a boy/girl thing. Perhaps if I had a daughter I would be more inclined to keep her pretty. Boys are suppose to be rough and rugged.
I will never forget the day I took Justin, as a three year old, to my aunts horse farm. It was spring, the melt was ON and the horse poop was fresh and soggy from a long winter under the snow!
We put Justin *seen above, older boy* on a little kids atv and let him drive through the field.
He was HAPPIEST when he had the manure up his back.
At first I was going to say "wait...nooooooo". But then my cousin swatted my arm and said "let that boy be a boy".
So, now I kind of live by that.
Messy faces.....I can photoshop that out
Manure up his back......he can have a bath later
Hair sticking up all over the place...... adds character.
5 yr old attitude..... the one thing I can't seem to find a fix for.....
But I'm still looking.


Anonymous said...

you don't wanna fix 5 year old atittude. LOL It's just who he is, a wonderful gorgeous human being with thoughts and feelings and ideas of his individual. I like your way of thinking , let it be, it'll wash off.........then he can experience things and decide for himself whats yucky and why , or if it even is or not.......
You're a good Mom Michelle, with both those kids...and you should be proud.

Michelle said...

*sniff sniff*