Tuesday, November 18, 2008

AAAHHH, What will I wear ?

No picture to share, just panic. Oh ok, one picture. My neighbour sent it to me the other day. She snapped it while I was at the baby shower.

I've just returned home from a friends house. My day started innocent enough. I thought it would be kind of me to offer my baby wipe warmer to a girlfriend of mine who just had a baby. By "Just", I mean 4 days ago.

We had to get one for Luke when he was 18 months old *yes, that is not a typo* because he started screaming with diaper changes because the wipes were too cold on his little man bits. So, we searched high and low to find one and my mom ended up buying one for us because we couldn't find one in our small town.

Now that Luke is potty trained *except for #2* we don't need it anymore. I don't want his bum changes to be soft and warm and pleasant. I want them to be as uncomfortable as possible so that he will "get it" that its best to just use the toilet. Hasn't worked so far.

Anyways, I went over to Brandi's house and met her sweet little baby boy.

Somehow, as I often do, I put my foot in my mouth. Not in a bad way, because what I offered was heartfelt and I really WANT to do it but as soon as I said it, sheer panic came across me. I started to feel hot and a little sweaty. My hands started to clam up and my stomach started to flip flop as butterflies danced around. I offered, almost insisted, that I come over to her house on Thursday morning and take some pictures of her little baby boy.

We're close enough that if I didn't turn out any good shots, she wouldn't care. When Peat and I moved to Petawawa, we were neighbours and soon realized that *get a pen and try to follow along* my cousins wife's brother was her husband and they lived next door. So we're pretty much family. HEY, in a town of 15,000 it counts as family ;)

Anyways, now I'm all worried about Thursday. I don't know what to say, don't know what to do, what to bring. What should I wear? All these decisions run through my already racing mind! I'm just going to use natural light, no flash. She has a big window. But I have no props at all. I guess all I need really is a black sheet and maybe a fuzzy blanket. I'm sure I can work a little somethin' with that. I don't know about everyone else but I don't think as a newborn you can get a horrible shot in a mothers eyes. You know?

Anyways, I've got to do some looking around to get some ideas for poses. Not that I expect a newborn of 7 days to "pose".

I'll post my pictures on here if I come out with anything noteworthy.

Wish me luck ;)

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