Friday, January 30, 2009

Nuttin' exciting today

So I love posting at least one picture with my daily rantings but today I don't have any. First of all I'm sad to say I've somewhat fallen off the 365 project I was so enthusiastic to start! Like all New Years Resolutions it has faded by the end of January. I vow to start again though. I just feel like I've been sick and the kids have been sick that something had to give. So it was my 365.

As for daily life here, Lukes ear surgery was postponed. Apparently the bubble I placed him in a week before the surgery wasn't strong enough to withstand the ick germ going around my house. I thought I had outsmarted it but apparently "super bug" had the last laugh when I had to call and cancel.

The next day he was just fine and made me rethink my decision to cancel. Now we wait another six weeks for another appointment.

So as I sit here wondering how to keep him healthier for NEXT time, I'm also sitting here sniffing and coughing and wondering how on earth I could have another cold so soon after the last one?
Will wonders ever cease?

So I'd love to be witty and funny and enthralling, but the truth ... the real bare bones truth is.....

I'm not that funny. Or witty. Or enthralling.

I'm just me. And I'm sick. Again.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

If you could see me now!

You'd probably fall over and wonder how on earth I went from the kind of girl who wouldn't dream of going outside without my hair done or make up on .... to the kind who is more concerned with getting her children dressed to brave the elements and out the door so as not to miss the school bus.
You'd also wonder "why this picture with this post". There is no reason so don't bother trying to figure me out. This should only indicate to you how "scatter brained" I am.

Well, if you knew me back "then" you'd also know that what I just wrote is a load of crap. I've never fussed with make up and hair accessories. Ok, maybe when I was in grade ten but those were the early nineties. We were all caught up in the moment. I've always prided myself as being a blue jeans and ball cap kinda gal and over time its really not changed much. Maybe I've replaced the blue jeans with a pair of warm up pants and then faded from the warm up pants to the joggers and now I'm officially a loser because this morning I walked Justin to the school bus in my flannel PJ bottoms.

I didn't even have time to toss on a ball cap! Which means my tousled locks were all OVER the place! Actually I had my hair up in a pony tail and didn't bother to adjust it even though I had just slept that way all night.

This has become me.

OK OK...its not always be but honestly I need to be better prepared in the mornings. There's nothing like waking up in a rush, getting two wild and oppositional children dressed, fed, brushed, groomed, *throw in a few time outs* and out the door to catch the bus. I mean, at least when all is said and done I only have one child bring home because he isn't old enough for school.

I'm not sure why I can't get it together in the mornings. I guess it always works out because they're always dressed and on the bus on time ;) Although this morning Justin wore his PJ's to school. Its not what you think. Its PJ Day. Instead of being excited about the day Justin was more concerned that I had written down the wrong date on the calender and was sending him to school in Pj's on the wrong day. I mean....come on. Would I do that?



Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm still sharing some baby pictures

I'm still thinking that all babies are miracles but at the same time I'm trying to keep my own cool. I mean really...who on EARTH needs a new baby when you already have two wild boys? Not me!

Thats right....

Not me.

And just in case I didn't understand what I was getting at .......


But just look how cute they are.
But just look how cuddley they are.

Those fingers, those toes!

That baby fresh smell *most of the time*

Those big eyes, gummy grins, curious facial expressions.....

Its always so nice to hold a baby. WHY oh WHY must I always end up thinking about another baby!

Just NO.

And for the record, if I come here asking your opinion dear Blog......




Well, now I can take a breather

I think I have all that gunk sorted out!

See, I think I already explained. I love posting on this blog. THIS one. The ones my friends and family read. The one that I love to vent and share on.

Anyways, sometimes I share too much and really, future clients don't need or want to know all of my dribble.

Who cares if I get anxious trying to figure out what to wear to a session?? Who needs to know that? No one.

Except my friends and family. And any one else who wanted to follow me here :)

I just needed something more professional linked to my website. Thats all.

So this is my life blog. Because everyone needs a lifeblog :)

Plus a little picture from yesterdays baby session.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Listen Up Peeps!

LOL....Hope that didn't offend anyone ;)

So I'm in the process of a face lift here. Not "HERE" but .... all around.
With the new site I have a splash page that links to my blog. This blog. Well, it did link to this blog until very recently.
As recent as about two hours ago.

I think I am going to maintain this blog as my personal blog and I've created a Photography Blog that I can link from my website. I know this is confusing. I know this because I am as confused as the rest of you.

Basically I share an awful lot on here. I plan to continue to do so. I will always share lots on here. My 365s and pix will all still be one here.

I just wanted to share that if you go to my new website, which is: You will go directly to my splash page. From there, you will have the option to enter the photography website OR my blog.

This particular blog, the one you're reading right now, will no longer be "THE" blog it is linking you to.

This will be my main blog but it will be my personal one.
Future clients don't need to know I'm a scared little girl venturing out into a big world that quite frankly, makes me panic.
See....people just wouldn't pay for that!

Anyways, the other blog will just be about photography. Sessions, prices, stuff but just not as personal as this one.

And I will maintain this one the same as I have been. Except not the same as the past few days because I've slacked. I've really been slacking.

I'm pulling up my socks though and going to get back at it soon enough.
Only now I'll have three places to maintain.

1. my website
2. my photography blog
3. THIS: my personal blog.

Good Lord this is a full time job!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Small Town Birthdays

You know, I really do love this small town I live in. I love it for many reasons. All of which have nothing at all to do with the local bowling alley.
Let me explain.

No, really. Let me explain.

This town, while it is small, it is also beautiful. A mere 500meters down the road from my front door is a beautiful beach. The beaches I am use to go on for miles. You sit in the sand and stare out into nothingness. Just a bunch of water. Here in this town, when you look out into the water, you will see hills across the water, trees on islands as far as you can see. Its the islands I love the most. They look so close, but as my dad tells me every time we drive by the beach, he once swam to that first island. It isn't as close as it seems. He almost went down but the S.S. Tony swam his heart out and made it back before the current could sweep him under. My mom and dad grew up here. Met here, fell in love.....yada yada...

Then as I drive up the big hill that seperates my neighbourhood from the rest of town, I am overwhelmed by the view that overlooks that beach, those mountains and the islands. Its peaceful. It really is. I take a deep breath everytime I see it. It doesn't get old. Probably why I have so many pictures of it.

Anyways, sometimes its a give take. You take in the beautiful surroundings but something has to 'give'. Seems entertainment is the "give" part of the equation. Seems the local bowling alley has the market on birthdays. Now, this is ok because my child loves to bowl and loves birthday parties at the bowling alley. But after this weekend I'm going to be all bowled out! Justin had a birthday there yesterday and this afternoon. Which, he will love. And really, its all about the kids anyways but there is something I want to point out......

My father, back in the 1970s use to work at this bowling alley. I have pictures of it. I have pictures of the bowling alley from the early seventies and you know what? It hasn't changed a bit. The walls, the floors, the lanes.....its all the same. I'm sure I could dig around and find people that are still there. I'm looking forward to getting my dad in there to take a look. He'll feel like he had never left.

I just MUST take a picture of it this afternoon.
In fact, I will make a point of it when I drop Justin off for the party.
Stay tuned for a little 1970's luvvv

Friday, January 23, 2009

This is the woman.....

Who taught my children naughty things.

Naughty naughty things. Shame on your Auntie Sue. I know I already posted about what Auntie Sue did a few days ago but I just wanted to put a face to the name.

You may be wondering why they are in the tub. This is because to my children, Auntie Sue is fun. Auntie Sue will let them go into the bath tub fully clothed and play with their little tech deck skateboards and use the side of the tub as a ramp. Auntie Sue will do just about anything for Justin and Luke.

And in return, they shower her with hugs and kisses. Well, Luke does anyways. Justin is in the "just too cool for that" phase.

I really just needed to post this picture to embarrass Auntie Sue. Much the same way my children have embarrassed me while walking in public repeating things Suzie taught them.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Have I told you lately that I love you all

Not sure if I've mentioned it recently but I just wanted to throw it out there again. I love all of my friends. I'm talkin' my in real life friends as well as my internet friends. In fact, I think I mean my internet friends the most.
Not that I consider Krista and Lisa Ann and Becky and other CPW peeps, internet friends but really, they kind of are. They're also some of my closest friends. Even though we're miles and miles apart.
I also can't thank ENOUGH my friends from my online communities. Specifically one proboard pyfbbc community. You guys ROCK. You are all so talented and SO helpful and encouraging.
I have a long way to go but I know I can get there because I have all of you guys to help 'get me there'.
Brandy, you have no idea how much I appreciate your time and help. Its been awesome. I hit send on the email and within minutes I have a reply. LOVE IT! I will have many questions so its great to have someone to bounce things off of.
The obvious people, my husband and children! I mean, its them sitting behind me making faces wishing I'd just turn the darn computer off, put the pictures away for one night and hang out. I'm just kidding. They don't make faces. They're always the first ones to jump up and 'come look' when I'm done a picture.
Anyways, had the great opportunity to play around with some lighting in my studio. Thanks Samantha! Great posing and looking straight faced when I
You look awesome and I just love the pix.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Site Is Officially Live

Although this scares me somewhat, I think that there is no better time. I really could sit here forever and just play around with it in the hopes that one day it will be complete but personally I think it is a work in progress.

Truly, it is a work in progress.

So I think I'm officially open for business :)
Sort of !

I already have a few bookings.

My spaces are somewhat limited for the next few months because I also work as well as parent two busy young boys. Anyways, I'm excited to be able to say its almost done :)

Oh yes, I still must figure out pricing.
Note To Self: Must make it a priority to include pricing info ON my site instead of just in my head.

Luke has his pre-op appointment today and surgery next week. Although it isn't considered a big deal surgery, to me, anytime your baby has to be put out its big enough :(

Anyways, thanks friends for sticking with me through all of this.
I have a feeling that 2009 will be a very exciting year for me. I'll be doing something I truly LOVE to do.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ok, more time than I thought

"WOW, I love that picture of Layla". I think I'm going to blow it up really big.

She deserves big. She is such a softie with a big heart.

The fact alone that she hasn't eaten either of my children is worth all the doggie bones this mama can find. As a matter of fact, if I were her, I would have eaten at least Luke by now.

Layla ... since today is about Layla.... has always been very calm and measured. I remember when she was 4 months old, people would come over and hang out in our living room. Layla would be asleep at our feet or in the middle of the room. People would comment, "does she ever get excited?" Its not like she's lazy. Ok, she's a bit lazy but I think she's learned that. I don't know who she's picked it up from but its a moot point.

She's always been pretty laid back. I remember getting her home thinking, "oh gawd, I hope she doesn't freak out when she hears how loud and long Luke screams for". She didn't. I don't think she noticed.

She has gotten quite comfortable lately with my couch and chair in my living room. I will find her stretched out on the couch with no desire to move or balled up on my chair with one eye peeped open to make sure no little people are near her.

This is somewhat new for her. She felt us out for a while and for a while we were quite ruthless about kicking her shedding butt off the furniture. But a few weeks ago, Peat and I saw Marley and Me and well...the rest is history. She can do no wrong now.

We notice now that Layla is always with us. She's always under our feet or behind us just a few steps. She can be dead asleep and Luke will fall off the couch onto her and you know how she responds? She just gets up and moves. No snarls. No barks and groans. Just gets up and moves. She knows that a small child falling is a small price to pay for a happy home life :)

When we first got her, the names I tossed around were "Cash, Titus and Cain". Then I remembered she was a female. We had the chance to name her before she came home. I was caught up in the moment of having big bad male dog names. Once I started fishing for female, soft and gentle names, I came up with five choices.
1: Layla
2: Lila
3: Lucy
4: Lola
5: Lilly
Layla was actually not my first choice. Lucy was. I wanted SO bad to name her Lucy. But Luke was only 5 weeks old and I had been calling him "Lukey" and I didn't want either one of them to become confused. Had I known that it wouldn't matter and that neither of them would listen anyways, no matter what I named her or didn't name her, I would have picked my choice and called her Lucy.
Is that a run on sentence?
I do believe it is!

Anyways, here is one more picture of Layla. I love it because she looks like she has lips. She doesn't, if you look close its her tongue and teeth. But, if I didn't tell you that, you'd think she had lips, wouldn't you!

Come would too ;)


When we first brought her home, her name was going to be Lucy. We use to have two dogs. An English Mastiff named "ruby" and a Lab Rottie X named "sarge". Once the children came along they graciously took a back seat and let the children take the lead. They resisted a little but "life" as they knew it had changed.
It had for all of us.
We loved Ruby and Sarge dearly but we just had such a hard time having two dogs plus a new baby. Plus it didn't help that they were BIG dogs. Ruby was anyways.
When our second was born, things got even more hectic. Four months before Luke was born, Ruby had to be put down. She had wobbler's disease and we had done everything we could for her. She became unable to walk or move and lifting her was impossible. We were just lucky to have had her for as long as we did. Their lifespans just aren't as long as other dogs. She was 6. Four months later and just weeks after Luke was born, Sarge woke up one morning and wanted outside. Once outside he dug a hole in the ground and climbed in it. We went to love him up to see what was wrong and we had noticed a tumor that we had already removed three times, had grown back over night , the size of a tennis ball on his groin.
We sadly said goodbye to Sarge. He was 12. We miss him SO much. We miss both of them.
We also decided that we'd stay dog free for a while because Luke was so grumpy and a new addition himself.
One night Peat and I were up after a night feeding and we started looking thru dog breeds. We stumbled upon the Bernese Mountain Dog. My good friend Melinda had a breeder just down the road from her and pointed us in her direction. After two weeks of researching this breed we just KNEW it was the dog for our family.
We contacted the breeder and when she informed us the price of a Mountain Dog, we thought it was just way too much for a dog.
The emptiness in the house got the best of Peat and the next thing you knew, we were en route to get our puppy.
There is a little more to the story but that's all you need to know. We got our Layla girl home and she's been SUCH a wonderful addition to our family. We'll never own another breed. I just love the Bernese Mountain Dog. Every trait that they are 'said to have', she does. She is wonderful.

She's three now. She's very much a part of us.

Friday, January 16, 2009

What can you do?

Really! What can you do?

There isn't much. I will give you a little history lesson on "Auntie Sue". Auntie Sue is my aunt. My mothers sister.

Auntie Sue came down to visit us last summer and that is when she really caught the Petawawa bug. She just couldn't stay away. We enjoyed it because we always want to see Auntie Sue. Luke LOVES it when Auntie Sue is here because she always brings him bubbles! SO for weeks now, Luke and Justin have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of dear favorite Auntie Sue!

My mom and dad picked her up yesterday at the airport and brought here home. Today, Auntie Sue had the opportunity to spend almost and entire day with Luke. See, she claims to just "love him to pieces" but she doesn't realize how difficult he can be. For example when she saw him yesterday she *without my knowledge* gave him diluted coffee. I wasn't pleased.

They tried to deny it but they really couldn't say much as he was running and vibrating around my kitchen table when I got home from work.

Then today, when I went to pick him up after work, this is what i walked into. Luke, sitting at the table with "the girls" having a glass of wine. He even told me, "we're havin' wine". I'd be lying if I said I didn't believe him. I completely thought he was drinking wine. Especially after the previous day where he really did have a cup of diluted coffee. I'm still not pleased about that one. Anyways, it wasn't really wine.

I found this out when I snatched it from his grubby mitts and took a sip. It was just apple juice. At least it was just apple juice in HIS glass which is all I really was concerned with.

He didn't know the difference. He thought it was wine. Which is funny because he drinks apple juice fifteen times a day so its not like they were fooling him. Yet, to him...he had wine.

Then my Auntie Sue starts to tell me that Luke wanted to tell me where he was today. I know where he was today. He's my son. He was in Kiddie Kollege in the morning and with them in the afternoon. After a few seconds of prompting from Auntie Sue, Luke informs me that today he was... you know what. Its probably not even appropriate to type on my blog. On second thought, I'm going to skip it.

Fast forward to my other son. Justin. Justin is my do-gooder. He can hear a swear word on the radio or in a song and he blushes. He just knows, that no questions asked, he is not allowed to repeat the word. Well, tonight he came out from my parents place, got in my car and let a sentence slide that ended in the word .... sh**. Fair to say, I almost sh**.

When I turned around to speak to him, because what mother wouldn't???? He said to me,
"I'm so sorry mom, I won't say it again. It was just a little secret joke between Auntie Suzie and me".

I didn't get it.

I probably never will.

But he certainly thought it was pretty funny.

But to me, 5 yr olds who say sh** and 2 year olds who drink wine...just aren't funny.

These are the influences in my children's lives. How horrible.

I'm kidding. We all love Auntie Suzie, even if it does take me weeks to straighten my children out after she goes home.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thats MY Baby!

Oh yea !!!!
This is courtesy of my father in law. He just sent me some pictures of my five year old snowboarding. They took him on the weekend and sent him for a private snowboard lesson.

He called me that same night and I could tell he was floating on the ceiling. His voice was hyped up beyond anything I've ever heard. He was SO excited.

The next day they took him back for a morning of snowboarding but he decided to give the skis a try.

So he did.

And now he'd like to put away the snowboard for a pair of skis. I say, "whatever you want buddy".

Peat seems stuck on "the boy should snowboard".

So this morning in a sneaky conversation, Peat says to Justin,
"Hey buddy, look! Sportchek has their snowboards on for $100.00. Maybe we should go take a look!"

To which Justin responded: "oh. Well if its OK with you dad, I think I'd like to go and get the skis instead".


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mr. Lawful

Just wanted to get this picture out there so y'all can see who rules the roost in this house.
Just kidding.
He thinks he does, but really we do have the upper hand.

We just let him think he does. It makes him feel a little bigger than he really is.
Let me introduce Luke.
You already know Luke. He's plastered all over my blog already.
I just wanted you to see the boy behind the badge.
He's a tuff little muffin.
Just see my earlier post.


Pardon my unedited version of what happened! I'll post the edited version later this afternoon after my scary frightening dental appointment.
It just happened the other day. It was all over the news! Spiderman was caught trying to fit his six year old behind into a 2 year olds costume!
The police were on his tail and it didn't take long for them to apprehend the suspect.
Apparently its a little bit of an issue. It isn't the first time Spiderman has been caught in this same getup. It didn't become an issue until last year when it stopped fitting loosely. It became more like a leotard. This upset his father tremendously and therefore its been on the radar ever since.
Sir Officer Luke has it all under control as he takes the suspect into custody and removes the offending leotard.
Too bad it was the first thing the two year old wanted to wear this morning. I'm going to have to quietly dispose of this outfit as I think its seen its day here in my house!
Boys just shouldn't wear leotards.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Owww Its Not Pretty

I'm aching. I'm aching all over the place. I'm trying to hide the pain and pretend I'm a trooper. I'm fit. I'm ready for this stuff. But I'm clearly not.

I think it was the lunges that killed me. Yes, it was the lunges. Those stinkin' darn lunges. Never NEVER again am I going to do lunges.

I'll have to tell Peat that when he comes home. We'll need to strike lunges off the list for today.
Actually we should strike off push ups too. My arms are very weak. I don't think they can support 'all of this' if you know what I mean.

I would request a day off but I'm only on day 2 so I think I'd like to save it for at least day 3.
If I make it to day 3.

Oh God. I'm never going to make it to day 3.

Its early. I have no picture to post. I have a busy day so I will have to bring along my point and shoot to see what I can sneak a picture of :)

I shall return.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What just happened?

So this morning I was going to go to the gym to walk the track with my mom. Then I thought about it and thought, hmm, maybe I'll do the elliptical with my dad instead.
In other words, maybe my mom can walk LUKE around the track in his stroller while I get some "me" time listening to tunes on the work out equipment. I didn't really plan much farther than that. If I had, my brain would have said, "but you don't work out Michelle. Do you know what will happen when you try to use the elliptical?" All I saw was "FREEDOM!"
So I managed to get Peat to come with us. At first he resisted because he needs his sleep. But after me asking him three times and opening and closing the bedroom door, he felt like coming along. He likes to work out. He knows what it means to work out. Unlike myself.
Peat does cross fit. I think he's crazy. I see the kettle bell, the medicine ball. Things I would never opt to toss in the air and catch. But thats just me.
I don't know much about cross fit but I know its intense. Or it can be.
So to the GYM we went. One big happy frikken family. We all separated to do our work out. I was on the elliptical for twenty minutes. Which, for the first time, is pretty good. I even had my ramp pumped up all the way. Well, almost all the way but for the sake of encouragement, I'm going to say all the way.
After twenty minutes I was happy that I didn't fall over and die and got off the machine and went to find Peat. He said, "you look like you just took a leisurely stroll. come do a little cross fit"
I wasn't insulted at all. I thought, "Heck ya, I'm in shape. Barely broke a sweat". Apparently this isn't what I was after. Apparently I need to break a sweat.
So Peat put me on a small little set of activities and we only did five sets. But with no break in between. Our total "cross fit" work out lasted 8 minutes and it was the worst 8 minutes of my life.
Really. My life.
Ok, not my LIFE. Thats big.
It wasn't very easy though. My legs burning and my arms like jelly we called it a day.
We've now decided that this can be done at home in our own house WITH our children if we prefer, which I don't but for the sake of saving time and energy, we'll just say with our children.
So I am going to do those same vigorous eight minutes every day for two weeks and see what happens.
Stay tuned. Grab your popcorn. Pull up a chair......
Lets see if this stuff works!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 9 and 10 of 365

These are day 9 and 10.
This is me. This is the me that I like to think I still look like. I like to think I ever looked like. Yes, perhaps a little overdone. Kids have aged me quite a bit but Peat snapped this picture of me so I decided "HECK, I'M GONNA POST IT" because I really don't look like that.

Although I'd like to think I do still somewhat resemble it a little. But I don't. But that's neither here nor there.
So "ME" is picture 9 of 365 and today Luke was Kung Fu Fighting, don't all 'almost' three year old boys who have older brothers?
He was quite excited with himself. For a few moments, Luke WAS "the dragon warrior".
Anyways, I'm having a lot of fun with my 365 but to be honest, its a little time consuming. My camera use to just sit in the bag for a few days then I'd whip it out for something here and there but now I just have to keep it on my desk upstairs. You never know when the moment will strike. Today, it was at 12:15pm, while Luke was the Dragon Warrior. He loves that movie.
Its nice to see the camera out so much but every day as soon as I spot it sitting there, my first thought is "What the heck am I going to take a picture of today"? I think this project might have a little more to do with 'thinking outside the box' than I had originally anticipated. I mean, I get bored very easily. I think its my short attention span... see, I already forget where I was going with this.
Let me go up and refresh my memory...
Oh yes, I think part of the process of being a good photographer is seeing things ... every day things and finding a way to see the special and uniqueness of that moment. Then capturing it and preserving it. So, this 365'er is helping me to find things, normal every day things and catching it on camera. My children may hate it now *although Justin is another story* but in year to come I'm hoping they are grateful for all of the moments that I didn't let slip away. Or I'm hoping that their wives will at least appreciate my effort ;)
Now that Justin has a camera of his own, I see his excitement when he sees a photo-worthy moment. I see his eyes light up a little and I see myself in him. I also see myself in him and have to laugh a little when I hear him say, "ok everybody look at me and love each other for the picture" and when Luke disobeys, because Luke will always disobey, I see Justin clench his jaw much the same way that I do and I see his blood pressure rise. Much the same as mine does while photographing my own family.
Once he gets the picture, he's SO excited. I barely have the heart to tell him that he's cut off dads head *who can blame him, the man is 6'4"* and that he much have moved because we're all blurred. He's still young and innocent and not bothered by his own insecurities and inabilities. Is that a word? He thinks every picture he takes is a masterpiece.

I think we all have a lot to learn from kids. I think I have quite a bit to learn from Justin.
This is hard work.

Friday, January 9, 2009

About me, because you want to know!

Just admit it. You want to know about me. This is the picture that my loving caring wonderful husband took of me this morning.
So on my website there is an about me section. This is the picture that Peat took.
Then he wrote a story about ME
While reading it was very touched by his sincerity. And how well he knows me. Also made me realize just how supportive he was. **Like buying me all my photog equipment wasn't enough of an indicator**
Sometimes I'm a little slow to pick things up.
Anyways, he took this picture of me. What you can't tell just by looking , is that my hair was wet and so because of the -20* weather, it was frozen. Little pieces of my hair frozen so when I touched it, if I bent it, it would snap off. I think I used the word "it" too much up there.
Anyways, hubby did a great job. And I'm thrilled that he wrote it for me. I don't often get my own pic taken so it was a nice little twist.
Then again, now I think...gee, is it ME and a growing talent or is it the camera. I mean, I did have him sit in this position while I adjusted the camera. Made sure all the settings were how i wanted them. He just had to point, adjust the shutterspeed so it metered properly and fire away.
Not to downplay his role.
Really this picture wouldn't exist without him.
It was hard though because I wanted to be holding my big camera. I'm going to have to find a way to get my point and shoot out and working for him.
Hmmm, lots to think about.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Here's the dish

So I'm having a bugger of a time lately loading pictures in my blog. Not sure why. My error message is that someone else is trying to edit my page. Hmmm. I am not quite sure I like the sound of that. Sounds sneaky.

Why couldn't there just be an error like "error code 40492 xxx butthead xoeh 8937" You know something I wouldn't really understand.

I mean, who could be editing my page but me?

Peat always says I'm too trusting.

Ok for the picture above: Just my day 8 of 365. It was very delightful. A nice early afternoon snack.
But it isn't this piece of chocolate that I want to dish about. No no, its more than this chocolate. Its my blog. And its also my website. Because I really want to talk about it. The people living in this house are sick to death of hearing about it. So I shall write.
So the website is almost ready. I just need a few little essentials. Like a photographer friend to come and take a quick snapshot of me. I need a picture of ME on my ABOUT ME page. I considered putting a picture of my friend Tobi on there but figured it was misleading. I just like her picture. Its a very nice, natural picture. Those are looks I could never achieve. So I need someone to take picture of me. I don't really want a studio shot of me. I think I want a picture of me...outside. I want it to be real.

HOWEVER, outside is not "ME". It is in warmer weather but truth be told, I'm so angry with cold and windy that outside is the farthest thing possible from ME.
You do see where this is going, right?
Me neither.
So I had started this blog, which I intend to keep. I am even going to link it from my new websites splash page. My only fear *because on here I can discuss my fears and insecurities* is that sometimes I look at my blog and SAY the things I'd never want to say to a client. Like perhaps a few weeks back where I had a photo session and was all antsy and nervous. Everyone has to start somewhere. This is what I tell myself. Its what I tell my blog. Do I really want people to view my website and be directed here to my "inner self" talking?
This is a decision I need to make. I do think my blog is the real me. Its not fake and its not made up. I'm human and I have a desire to do something that I happen to TOTALLY LOVE. Does it matter if people link to my blog and see that I am having some reservations about my abilities? I think it makes me pretty normal.
I guess the bottom line is, the more you do, the more you learn, the more you grow. You have to start somewhere. And if you like what you see on my website, then you are seeing what I do. If you're happy with what I can produce, you'd want me to do your pictures no matter what, right?
See... THIS is the stuff I'm talking about.
Do you link a blog like THIS to your Professional Website?
I'd love some comments. Just if you have any. I'm not live yet, or so they say. Not sure what "LIVE" means considering I can get to my site by typing the URL in. From any computer.
Anyways, if you have a comment....please share it with me. I need some direction here.
Or email me :)

Things to come

Just some screen shots of the site.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Please Stand By

I'm on another little adventure but I haven't forgotten about you dear Blog.
I am trying to put together my WEBSITE!!!!!

I will be posting the link shortly.
I will still post on my blog as much as usual. I just need to get the site up and running.
So blog posts may be short.
Here is a little sneak peak.

Ok, no sneak peak.
Blogger is not working for me today.
I will post it later tonight though.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Need I Say More?

To be completely honest. This picture makes me feel a little bit peaceful. Even though it was 8am, it makes me feel like I snuck a little secret. I don't know, just looking at it makes me think that maybe I woke up early before the kids got up *ya right, never gonna happen* and opened my blinds just a little and was ever so fortunate as to grab a little glimpse of sunrise.

Don't get me wrong, this is not what happened at all. Not even a little bit. First of all, what should have tipped you off is that I am never up before my children. That would just simply be a waste of sleeping time. And you never can get those precious minutes back.

This picture is day 6 of 365 for me. I had originally wanted my theme of the month to be playing in photoshop and that is exactly what I've done in this picture.

I attempted to follow a small tutorial on HDR with a single JPEG image. I should have known it would be a challenge, afterall, I don't know what HDR stands for. After following about half of the directions, they lost me. Started talking about things I didn't know. Didn't know where to find things and before I knew it I was on my own. Flyin' solo.
Not a clue.

So I sort of just let the picture lay where it left me. Made a few tweaks to satisfy my own eye and saved it.

Personally, it makes me feel a little delighted.
And that doesn't happen too often.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Whats better than Bed Head?

Not much! I just love Lukes bedhead

look. Don't love the attitude that comes with it. But I do quite enjoy his hair.

Most days, Lukes hair can be found sticking out at the sides. Always ruffled look. Always looks like he's just climbed out of bed and that was the end of the story.

This picture represents day 4 of my 365 day Challenge. Luke in all his bed head glory. One wouldn't really know that this was any different than any other day but as him mother I can tell you that Luke, in this picture, was fevered, grumpy and miserable.

And as for his hair~well, its like this on any given day but it doesn't usually get so much height.

The clock indicates it was almost 11am, which means he spent his whole morning in his PJ's

Its just what its been like around here lately.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Should it be this stressful?

I'm referring to motherhood. My kids just stress me out. Am I the only parent in the whole world who feels the immediate need to have her child seen by a doctor at the first sign of illness?
I did pretty good last week. Justin and Luke both came down with fevers and coughs. I held off as long as possible but worry just consumed me.

I ended up bringing Justin in. I justified it because he's on a puffer and I was concerned about his lungs. And a few days later , Luke came down with the same thing. I held off with Lukey as well until the day he sort of pointed to his ear. I instantly thought he had an ear infection. He didn't. Because YES, I took him in too.
So that was last week. My kids rarely get illnesses that give them a fever. Coughs and colds , YES . But fevers? Not really. So today on our way home from my inlaws, Lukes fever came back. I'm so upset. I just want them to feel better.
Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *insert curse word here*
So, at least we had a nice afternoon with my parents and Peats parents. My father in law cleared out an ice rink on his lake. The kids had a great time and I think that he did too. I wasn't sure until I peeked over my shoulder and saw him doing snow angels with Luke. And yes, I got a picture... hAHa
Above is day 3/365

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My 365 Starts Today!

Google it. It looks like fun and I'm going to do it! Starting today!
If you are interested in doing it along side of me and some other great gals, just email me and I'll give you the link to our group on proboards.
As for New Years Eve?
Same old Same old.

Nothing to report. One day when I don't need a sitter to go out on New years I'm sure Peat and I will start making plans and going out with friends. But for now, the pager calls. So do my children.

I did make a point of going in their rooms to give them a Happy New Years kiss.
I always do.
They're just lucky I didn't whip out my camera. Imagine waking up to a flash like that?