Sunday, November 2, 2008

Desperately Seeking INDOOR STUDIO with equipment!

I went to my friend Jamies house today to take some family pictures. Once again, with the colder weather approaching, I felt at a loss. I was confused and discombobulated. Honestly, I didn't know which way was up. First I struggled with keeping my ISO down. I just couldn't.
She had a huge front window but just as luck would have it, with the Aperature and shutter speed I needed for kids I just couldn't help but bump up my ISO. SO I tried and did the best I could.

I usually turn my pictures into Black and Whites but I'd like to have SOME color pictures to give them.

Well, here are two I've worked on this afternoon. I do like them but I know the truth behind the picture. For example, I have no backdrop. So we used *at my suggestion* a navy blanket over the back of a chair. Now, in hindsight this was a mistake. What a hard color to work around. So I found some digital backgrounds and I'm afraid they're obvious because I also haven't mastered the art of adding people into a scene without making it look completely fake. SO this is what I have so far. I still have one other family to do as well as group shots. I did my best, what can I say.
You guys were all SO easy to shoot today. I prepared my friend for what it was like to work with me.

I let her know that I don't do "indoor" photography yet and so we had to work with natural light. I think I'm more convinced than ever, that this weekend, I'm going out and getting myself a little indoor lighting set up with backdrops. I just had too much fun. I think I'd really enjoy myself if I had the right equipment. At least some lighting and backgrounds anyways. That would be a good start.

Oh and I also brought Luke with me, who for the most part, sat beside me with a batman digital camera and snapped away. My little copy cat. Wonder if he got anything I could use ;)
Thanks for having me guys!


1 comment:

Jennifer Potter said...

These turned out fantastic Michelle! I like both the color and the B&W. The colors are great and the conversion to b&w is very nice. I also love the composition of the picture, the way that the family is sitting.