Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat

Happy Belated Hallowe'en
My children were real troopers last night. Went out, raided the neighbourhood, brought home the bacon *so to speak* and now they're sitting here like nothing happened. See, the best thing about a five year old and two year old, is that the BEST fun is the going door to door. I don't think a single one of them has any clue as to what it was that was being handed out last night. Its like they came home, handed me their bags and went off to enjoy the next 'big' moment. SO, all the candy is MINE and Petes!

YAY. I love Halloween.

Last night was a little tricky though. I had no idea that Luke was a screamer. So when Justin walked out of the bathroom with his face paint, Luke let out a sharp, short girly scream. And ran. Hid behind his mother. Wuss.

He did this girly scream on more than one occasion. He did it every time he saw a scary costume as well as every time he approached a house that was decorated. Yet he kept coming back for more. We'd put him in the wagon and just let Justin to door to door but as soon as he saw Justin approaching the house, he'd climb out of the wagon and yell "wait for me NUTTIN"

Then he'd girly scream all the way up to the door.

OH these are the moments I will think back to when my boys are older. Actually, I kind of wish I could have gotten that scream on tape to play back to him when he's older. It really was quite funny.
The picture above wasn't their costumes, by any means, but just one I decided to attempt indoors now that the weather is getting colder. I'm all about natural light so once the days seem darker and its hard to get outdoors, I'm going to have to practice my flash/lighting abilities. I'm scared to think outside the box :)
I have *husband has* arranged for me to do two families (one this weekend and one next weekend) so it should be interesting.
To say the least :)
I think I need some chocolate. Just have to hide it from the kids or they'll soon realize just what it was they were trick'or'treating for last night ;)


Jennifer Potter said...

OH! I LOVE that picture of the boys! They are so cute!

Michelle said...

Awww, You could have said it sucked, I was just happy to have a comment! From someone other than my mother ;)

Thanks Jen(n)?