Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Need I Say More?

To be completely honest. This picture makes me feel a little bit peaceful. Even though it was 8am, it makes me feel like I snuck a little secret. I don't know, just looking at it makes me think that maybe I woke up early before the kids got up *ya right, never gonna happen* and opened my blinds just a little and was ever so fortunate as to grab a little glimpse of sunrise.

Don't get me wrong, this is not what happened at all. Not even a little bit. First of all, what should have tipped you off is that I am never up before my children. That would just simply be a waste of sleeping time. And you never can get those precious minutes back.

This picture is day 6 of 365 for me. I had originally wanted my theme of the month to be playing in photoshop and that is exactly what I've done in this picture.

I attempted to follow a small tutorial on HDR with a single JPEG image. I should have known it would be a challenge, afterall, I don't know what HDR stands for. After following about half of the directions, they lost me. Started talking about things I didn't know. Didn't know where to find things and before I knew it I was on my own. Flyin' solo.
Not a clue.

So I sort of just let the picture lay where it left me. Made a few tweaks to satisfy my own eye and saved it.

Personally, it makes me feel a little delighted.
And that doesn't happen too often.

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