Friday, January 30, 2009

Nuttin' exciting today

So I love posting at least one picture with my daily rantings but today I don't have any. First of all I'm sad to say I've somewhat fallen off the 365 project I was so enthusiastic to start! Like all New Years Resolutions it has faded by the end of January. I vow to start again though. I just feel like I've been sick and the kids have been sick that something had to give. So it was my 365.

As for daily life here, Lukes ear surgery was postponed. Apparently the bubble I placed him in a week before the surgery wasn't strong enough to withstand the ick germ going around my house. I thought I had outsmarted it but apparently "super bug" had the last laugh when I had to call and cancel.

The next day he was just fine and made me rethink my decision to cancel. Now we wait another six weeks for another appointment.

So as I sit here wondering how to keep him healthier for NEXT time, I'm also sitting here sniffing and coughing and wondering how on earth I could have another cold so soon after the last one?
Will wonders ever cease?

So I'd love to be witty and funny and enthralling, but the truth ... the real bare bones truth is.....

I'm not that funny. Or witty. Or enthralling.

I'm just me. And I'm sick. Again.

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