Monday, January 26, 2009

Listen Up Peeps!

LOL....Hope that didn't offend anyone ;)

So I'm in the process of a face lift here. Not "HERE" but .... all around.
With the new site I have a splash page that links to my blog. This blog. Well, it did link to this blog until very recently.
As recent as about two hours ago.

I think I am going to maintain this blog as my personal blog and I've created a Photography Blog that I can link from my website. I know this is confusing. I know this because I am as confused as the rest of you.

Basically I share an awful lot on here. I plan to continue to do so. I will always share lots on here. My 365s and pix will all still be one here.

I just wanted to share that if you go to my new website, which is: You will go directly to my splash page. From there, you will have the option to enter the photography website OR my blog.

This particular blog, the one you're reading right now, will no longer be "THE" blog it is linking you to.

This will be my main blog but it will be my personal one.
Future clients don't need to know I'm a scared little girl venturing out into a big world that quite frankly, makes me panic.
See....people just wouldn't pay for that!

Anyways, the other blog will just be about photography. Sessions, prices, stuff but just not as personal as this one.

And I will maintain this one the same as I have been. Except not the same as the past few days because I've slacked. I've really been slacking.

I'm pulling up my socks though and going to get back at it soon enough.
Only now I'll have three places to maintain.

1. my website
2. my photography blog
3. THIS: my personal blog.

Good Lord this is a full time job!

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