Friday, January 9, 2009

About me, because you want to know!

Just admit it. You want to know about me. This is the picture that my loving caring wonderful husband took of me this morning.
So on my website there is an about me section. This is the picture that Peat took.
Then he wrote a story about ME
While reading it was very touched by his sincerity. And how well he knows me. Also made me realize just how supportive he was. **Like buying me all my photog equipment wasn't enough of an indicator**
Sometimes I'm a little slow to pick things up.
Anyways, he took this picture of me. What you can't tell just by looking , is that my hair was wet and so because of the -20* weather, it was frozen. Little pieces of my hair frozen so when I touched it, if I bent it, it would snap off. I think I used the word "it" too much up there.
Anyways, hubby did a great job. And I'm thrilled that he wrote it for me. I don't often get my own pic taken so it was a nice little twist.
Then again, now I think...gee, is it ME and a growing talent or is it the camera. I mean, I did have him sit in this position while I adjusted the camera. Made sure all the settings were how i wanted them. He just had to point, adjust the shutterspeed so it metered properly and fire away.
Not to downplay his role.
Really this picture wouldn't exist without him.
It was hard though because I wanted to be holding my big camera. I'm going to have to find a way to get my point and shoot out and working for him.
Hmmm, lots to think about.

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