Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Day In The Life

So yesterday was Justins hockey pictures and I made the mistake of giving him Zoodles for dinner. He had a slight orange stain on / around his lips. I'm hoping I can pass it off as chapped lips.

Then after taking this picture, I realized that his recent haircut has left his bangs a little...I don't know, how would you explain it... a little straight. I much prefer wispy. I did gel it for the pics and it seemed to stay in place ;)

Awww, my little eater Lukey. No manners, no class. Just food food food any way and any how.

The messier the better. Doesn't matter who's looking. If it isn't on his hands, face and clothing, then it isn't a good meal :)

You know he's really enjoying it when he starts to close his eyes to lick the fingers. He's savoring every bite.

Atta boy!

"oh ya, Heavenly"

Enjoying his zoodles like its his last meal.

It doesn't get any better than this my friends.

Oh does. One slipped down his shirt and he isn't willing to let it go.

Still half dreamy, he will get that darn zoodle if its the last thing he does!

Oh yes, now thats a happy boy!

What kind of stay at home mom feeds her kids zoodles?

Oh Geeze, didn't realize Layla was sleeping.

Shh kids, keep it down!

Her Royal Canine is slumbering peacefully on the chair.


Oops. Sorry Layla-girl. Did we disturb you?
Great kids, look what you did NOW!

Don't move too quick Layla, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.

Oh how I wish I had the life of Layla. She practically just lazes around all stinkin' day. I wish I had someone to feed me, pamper me, let me in and out at my leisure when I scratch at the door. DO you know that JUST LAST night I was reheating up my take out from Kelseys restaurant. I was running late for some things and Peat was due home any minute from a long day at work. I was going to surprise him with my balsamic chicken and some potatoes. Well I had it all warmed up and the countdown was on. Peat walked in the front door but we had to leave right away to arrange the cars in the driveway. Just enough time for Layla to jump up on the counter and eat *in its entirety* the meal I had prepared for Peat. Chicken, potatoes and all...
We were mad. VERY mad. So mad that we didn't feed her dinner that night. Figured she'd feasted enough.

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