Thursday, December 11, 2008

Aww, maybe one day bud

I just have to share this picture of Luke. This morning dh went out to sharpen Luke's new skates and we decided we would be taking Luke skating at lunch. Luke had no idea what to expect. I seriously think that in his little mind, he figured that skating would be easy.

Why not? Justin does it. Floats around the ice so smoothly and effortlessly. What Luke doesn't know is that Justin has been on ice since he was 18 months old. Why is it that you slack a little with your second child. It wasn't on purpose at all. We fully intended to give Luke the things we've given Justin. Somehow time was a little short and now Luke is going to be three in March and we're just now getting him skates.
So we took him out today and his little body hit the ice *he was well padded as you might be able to see in this picture*. I will say though, he enjoyed every single minute we were out there. Whether he was face down on the ice *with a helmet* or whether he was up in daddy's arms. He loved it all from start to finish.
I have a feeling now though that Luke will have a new respect for his older brother. And if he doesn't, thats ok. Its nice for me to think so.
Oh, and I tried another texture. Me likes it.

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