Saturday, December 6, 2008

Would you LOOK at THAT !!!

And I'm not even talking about the SUBJECT!

I could be, because he's quite cute too but NOOOO, I'm talking about the background!

When I first got my studio lights, i went out and bought a big piece of black felt and a big piece of white felt *plus two fuzzy rugs*

SO after a few weeks of playing around with pictures I became quite bored with black and white backgrounds. All I really wanted was a piece of fabric that wasn't white or black.

Today Peat said, "Go on into the store there and see if you can find anything" So I DID. Everything in the store was 40% off so I bought four different colors of what you see behind my little elf.

It wasn't quite tie dye but it has that sort of effect to it and honestly, I think its quite cute. And also very easy to edit the wrinkles out!!!

SO, I wanted to share a picture of my photographic little boy. As difficult as this child is, he sure is starting to get into the picture thing. You should have seen the poses he was throwing out there tonight. I swear, I said "lets go take one picture on mommy's new background and his eyes lit up like I just suggested opening every Christmas gift under the tree! For a moment, I thought he was dang near as excited as I was!

Atta boy!

So *drum roll please*



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