Saturday, December 27, 2008


I want you to guess what was THE MOST exciting part of my children's Christmas Morning Festivities.
Was it theeeeee New Air Hockey Table sitting in the middle of their toy room? NOPE
Was it the countless presents under the tree waiting to be ripped open? NADA
See those little crumbs on the plate in front of the boys? See the letter in my oldest sons hands? They must have stared in awe for at least five minutes at the plate of crumbs. I don't know if they were surprised that the cookies and carrots were gone or that Santa had left such a mess.

Regardless of what the actual reason was for their excitement, it was very sweet and innocent.
I saw Justin keep peering over his shoulder at the air hockey table. I was sitting with my camera waiting to catch his expression but I just couldn't move his focus from the plate to the table.
They're so sweet and lovable. Even with their fevers.

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