Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I've been avoiding the camera since about last fall. Not sure why. Probably because I've gained ten lbs since then. Oops.

So instead of posting a picture of myself and crying for the next few hours, I've decided to post a picture of Layla. She's also put on a few pounds since last winter so this isn't exactly a recent picture of her either.
This Layla is much slimmer. As Peat says, she has quite the caboose!
How rude.
Imagine what he must say about me when I'm not around!
He thinks I'm beautiful. He told me so.
Anywho, this is Layla. Lean trim Layla. Last year in the dreadful snow. Actually this picture was probably just taken in May 2008. Told you we had never ending snow.
Now that I'm taking all the pictures, no one takes any of me with the children or me with my husband.
How will anyone ever know that these boys had a mother?
Be back tomorrow. Maybe even with a recent picture.
Don't hold me to it though. I'm feeling like I'm slacking a little.

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