Monday, December 1, 2008

Who ordered all the Fluffy White Stuff?

Like last weeks blast of white wasn't enough? I think visions of last years Winter still haunt me. Chills me to the bone. The six foot snow banks, trudging to the bus stop on Tuesday, Thursday and alternate Fridays to get Justin on the school bus.
Bringing Luke home in the -30* while the wind and snow pelting us on the faces. It was horrible. And if the cold snowy winter wasn't enough, it also ate up three quarters of our spring because we had snow until May.
What kind of town has snow until May? This one.
So although I can not enjoy the winter I will do my best to try to NOT influence the little minds that surround me. I will plaster a smile on my face while my oldest son shows off his snowboarding moves. Even if I am on the other side of the glass sliding door in the warm house. Looking out, at what is sure to be, another COLD SNOWY WINTER.
Note that I've chopped off my sons hands in this picture. Lesson number one in Photography. Keep all limbs intact. Do not chop off hands and feet. Would it have killed me to include them? The answer is yes. I couldn't go any farther back and my lens wouldn't zoom out any more and all this little boy wanted was a picture of him on his snowboard. This was what he said "Mom, take a picture of me on my first snowboard so when you buy me the brand new real one, I will remember this one".
I'm guessing he was trying to allude to something I'm suppose to be buying him ???
At least while he was outside he managed to shovel off some of the back deck. Because I certainly didn't want to do it.
Please note the hat. We are HABS fans. Funny story: Peat is Toronto Fan and one day while Justin and Peat were watching a hockey game on TV, Peat must have done something to anger Justin. Justin said "Dad, what team do you cheer for". Peat said, "I'm cheering for the Leafs".
Justin said "Well FINE THEN, I'm cheering for the Red team. Who are they". ..... and so began his loyalty to the Canadians.
Suits me fine, I come from a long LONG line of Montreal fans. SO I took the opportunity to outfit my child in all the Canadians outerwear. Peat wasn't happy but I was.
So along came Luke. Peat said, "if you have Justin, I get Luke". So we bought Luke everything Leafs.
But Guess What.
Luke wants to be just like his brother, so when dad says "Hey Luke...GO LEAFS GO", Luke USE to say "ya dad, go leafs" but now he says, "NO DAD, GO MONTREAL"
I guess they really do have little minds of their own.
They even argue over who gets the blue plate at the dinner table.
They both want the RED one.
So fun. So sweet.


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