Monday, October 6, 2008

Best Friends? Or More?

Good Monday Morning friends. Today I have a semi empty house. My husband has snack parent duty at my youngest Lukes nursery school. Which leaves Justin at home with me. Justin is quite content not having to rush around this morning to catch the school bus.
This photo is one of my son Justin and his friend Abby. Abby's mother Nikki is one of my good friends. SO, Justin and Abby have been "hanging around" eachother for approximately two years. He's five, she's four. They started nursery school together two years ago *the same one Luke now attends*. Their relationship is very hot and cold. They really do remind me of an old married couple. They get on great, are best friends. Play very nice together. Then, almost out of nowhere, they begin to .... I don't shall I say it...... BICKER. Just little nit picky things. Ends up blowing up into a full blown arguement and then they both uninvite the other one to their birthday party. ***always the punishment of choice by these four and five year olds***. If someone irritates someone, they're "Not coming to my birthday party". Ok...sure son. If you say so. But your bday isn't for another six months.
Anyways, Abby and Justin didn't see much of eachother over the summer because I was working quite a bit and Nikki was also working. Nikki uses a sitter that my other son Luke attends as well so tomorrow I'll have to write about the love affair between my two year old and her two year old. It truly is a geniune love.
When we went to Huglis the other day, Nikki came too with the girls. SO Justin and Abby were again, brought together. ***Oh yes, they're also in the same class at school now too. Justin is in Senior Kindergarten and Abby is in Junior Kindergarten. Its a split class. Sorta like destiny......
Well Abby sits beside me the other day and informs me that the other day when we had a bbq at our house, she took Justin beside the shed and hugged him. Just outta no where. At first I thought...."Oh. Ok. Sure. Why?. You're too young. I'm not ready yet. He's still my innocent baby...." My thoughts spiraled. After a few minutes of asking her some questions...she tell me that they hugged and then she said that she kissed him but he turned his cheek (atta boy).
Do five year olds really do this? Actually, Abs is only four and I know it would have been her idea. I'm not ready for the 'girl and kissing' thing yet. Its too soon. I didnt even like boys at that age. Ewwww.
I'm not going to handle adolescence very well, am I?

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